Wife Talks

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"So how was your day babylove? Happy you are off?" The blonde asked Lena as the curly haired woman had just gotten off work and the two decided to pick up groceries from Walmart for the week.  The discount Lena got helped the family tremendously and Stef was happy to spend a little time with her wife before she had to head out to drive the cab for the night. Sure she was relieved to make a little extra cash but the nights away from her wife were making her cranky and she knew it was just as hard for Lena.  Right now the couple did what they needed and it was alright by them even if it could be challenging.

"My day was good baby. Yours?" Lena said as Stef gently kissed the top of her handing smiling as the slim woman returned it. 

"Not bad. Happy to see you of course." 

"I'm always happy to see you too."

"Yeah you better." The blonde teased as her wife let out a chuckle.

 "Mexican sound ok for dinner?"

"Sure babe."

"I can usually make that last for a few days. Maybe rice instead of tortillas plus it will fill Callie up more."

"I hate that we are so stretched this week. It drives me fucking insane."

"Baby it's ok. Shit happens. And maybe you can reduce all that stuff you have on layaway. The babies will be fine you know."

"Lena, Frankie is dying for that fucking dollhouse."

"Ok yes so just get her that and not the rest of the stuff. Babe no one needs all that stuff you are getting. And baby Stef won't remember it and neither will Noah."

"I still need to get Jude something. All he likes are those fucking video games and shit which he doesn't deserve in my opinion."

"Well Mike told you not to get them right?"

"Yeah. I'll figure it out but I guess I should not have gotten Frankie that hamster."

"Well I know why you did. You felt bad about Jackson and you don't like saying no." Putting a bag of rice and beans in the cart Lena looked to her wife clearly seeing how conflicted she was

"I just want you all to have what you want and need."

"Stef we do love. I keep telling you it's not about that. It's about having each other. Look how we were in jail." She whispered and placing her arms around the blondes neck." We had the most basic of basic."

"I tried to get you the best."

"I know you did. And you still do. So relax. Santa will be good this year. Especially to you if you keep being so sexy."

"Whoa. Don't make me take you in that bathroom and fuck you because you know I will." Lena could only blush as she felt Stef start to kiss and suck on her neck. "You know nice, hard and slow. Mm real slow. Want me to lick your sweet ass pussy of yours later? MM? What does my wife want?"

"MM I won't say no. I won't." Lena giggled running her hands all over Stef's hips. With her wife sucking all over her neck and rubbing her ass  people walking by could only stare and shake their heads. "MM down Mama Tiger you do know I work here."

"Fuck you make me hot. ALways have you and your cute ass." The blonde growled as the slim woman softly kissed her lips. 

"Don't worry ya'll get some love. I swear it." 

"MM I fucking better." Winking she smacked Lena's round ass as she couldn't help but giggle once again.

"You are going to get me fired you know."

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