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As Lena and I made our way back home in our old Caddie full of kids we dropped Jude back at my brothers and picked up baby Stef along the way as a surprise for Callie. Usually Sandra brought her over on these Friday night's but we offered to pick her up knowing Callie just wasn't herself lately. If anyone could cheer her up it was this little girl but we still needed to get to the bottom of what was troubling her. Nearing our home I could hear all the babies giggling in the back and Frankie was extra excited tonight from singing in chorus with Miss Rose and because both of her little siblings were staying over. Sure I wished my son would stay over too but I'd never him into staying over for I wanted to give him the space even after our talk. Thankfully it went well and I made plans to take him to work with me Sunday morning and help me stock a few shelves. It wasn't anything amazing but it would give us the time alone.

 In terms of my kids and if something was troubling them it was easy for me to put my own shit aside for any of them and Callie was no different. Lena did mention she brought up the adoption again and I was wondering if that was what was bothering her. Maybe she thought we weren't interested in anymore but that was far from the truth. Very far and we had spoken to Wilson numerous times over the last few months about it. The process would still be subject to the judges approval even if Callie was an adult. However, we still put the paperwork in and we had a date set for next week.

"She is quiet at work too. I mean more than usual." Lena whispered. "I mean not that she is the biggest talker but you know she talks a little bit. This last week she barely said a word. You think it's her health and she's not telling us?"

"Doubt it. She is very good about communicating how she is feeling physically. Very good. Maybe it really is the adoption thing. I mean yeah she can take our name but you and I know it's more than that. But you told her we still have every intention of adopting her right?"

"Of course baby. But maybe it's something else we don't know. You know she is much like you."

"Yeah in not always the best ways." I joked as Lena shook her head.

"Stop that and I told you about that. Do you want to make me angry?"

"Oh no. I'm not going in the dog house with you again woman. No way. The last thing I wanna do is piss you off. No coming back from that shit." With the both of us laughing I turned to her again as she let out a warm smile and slide her hand into mine.

"Glad you know it." 

"I better know it." Winking at her I looked into the rearview mirror still hearing the babies laughing and giggling in the back louder then ever.

"What's happening back there mm? What you babies doing?"

"I'm telling them a joke mama." Frankie said.

"Oh yeah well it must be some funny jokes sweetheart."

"They are. But Mama can I have a sip of soda please?" She asked now sitting up and taking her seat belt off which she was notorious for doing sometimes. How many times I had to tell this girl to put it on I lost count because truth was she always wanted to sit upfront but she was far too little still and her stubborn butt didn't get that. What was really nice though was how much I was starting to really get to know this little one and boy did I get to know her for her shyness was pretty non existent with me at this point. But she could be very hard headed and sensitive.

"You may have a sip baby but sit back and put your seatbelt back on. It's not safe to take it off ok honey?" Lena said.

"Ok Mama Lion."

"Here baby but just a sip sweetheart. Ya'll be bouncing off the walls otherwise."

"What do you say Frankie?" I said to my little girl.

A Life Beyond (Hard Time Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now