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Earlier that night

"So you don't wish to press charges?" Mike asked the young woman as he saw how bad her faced was banged up and the little girl clung to her. Course he knew what happened and he knew what Roxy was capable of. To him it was sad it really was and he knew Peaches as well from when she was  little girl. From what he remembered she had been a sweet kid and never caused her parents any issues. None and he even had a crush on her at some point.

"No we were robbed." She lied to him as Roxy stood in the kitchen doorway listening.


"Yup. Someone broke in and  beat her up. I wasn't home yet. So you gonna find them or what?" Roxy asked as Mike looked to her not believing a damm word.

"Broke in where? I didn't see any sign of forced entry."

"Maybe you didn't look hard enough Mikey. But we were and they took a few of my woman's jewelry. Came home and found her beat up on the floor. So you gonna find them or what?"

Glancing at Roxy and back to Peaches who had her eyes to the ground the story was bullshit to him. It really was and just a lie to get this woman out of a parole violation which domestic violence definitely was.

"Step outside for a minute Roxanne."


"Because I asked you to."

"I can't my woman doesn't feel comfortable around cops." She said moving closer to Peaches and putting her arm around her as the woman looked terrified. The little girl looked scared as well as she clung even more to her mother.

"Step outside. Now. I don't want to have to tell you again."

"Fine." She said walking off and taking a seat on the front steps as Mike moved in closer to Peaches whispering.

"Listen, I know you weren't robbed and I know she beat the shit out of you. She has a history of this and you gotta get out of this. Now."

"She didn't Mike. It was the robbers. Roxy would never hit me."

"Peaches if she is hurting you we can help.  You don't have to live like this. You or your daughter."

"She's not."

"I'm not so sure of that. The person who called in sounded very concerned and said it happens very often. Your face says it too. Do you really want to live like this?"

"I'm fine Mike. I am. We were robbed. I put Mariana to bed and when I woke up I heard a noise in the kitchen and went to see who it was. At first I thought it was Roxy but when I went in the kitchen it wasn't and they hit me. Many times and I passed out and Roxy was with me."

"So you didn't see who they were?"

"No. It was dark."

Letting out a sigh Mike shook his head as he looked to the little girl hugging her mother.  He knew there was nothing he could do but was thinking of anything he could do to arrest Roxy and send her ass back where she belonged. He also knew Roxy told Peaches to lie about being robbed for it was written all over her young face. All over it. 

"Listen stay right here I will be right back. I will call in another officer and we will check out the house  more. You said jewelry was stolen?"

"Yes I believe so."

"Ok." Walking outside to the woman he couldn't stand he looked Roxanne dead in her face as she puffed on her cigarette.

"This is a parole violation but she won't admit you kicked the shit out of her. But I know you did. Let's cut the bull Roxanne this wasn't a robbery and you know it."

A Life Beyond (Hard Time Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now