Christmas (Part 1)

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"Pregnant? What? Who?How" Lena asked as I looked to her while we were trying to put together Frankie's dollhouse in our bedroom that had a million and one fucking pieces and an instruction booklet the size of the bible. After everyone left and we put the kids to bed minus Jude, Peaches had gone back to work  leaving Mariana. Fortunately she was too dead tired to cry and she often slept through the night.

"How baby? Really?" I asked looking at her perplexed.

"No I don't mean how I just mean. I thought.....

"That she was gay?"

"Well yes but, I know that's not a reason but, when did this happen and...

"She said a few weeks ago. Missed her period and she said she is always regular."

"Jesus. Well who was it?"

"Some guy she met."

"Well is she with him?"

"I don't think so love. She didn't know his name. Pretty much how Jude happened too."

"Jesus. Well, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to say. Was she upset or confused or what?"

"Scared. She's thinking of not having it. But said she can't kill it. I told her we are here and anything she needs we will do our best to help. For fuck sake what is this D3 piece? Could they make this any fucking harder to put together? And why were there a billion and one fucking pieces. Jesus Christ."

"I think it's this one." she said handing it to me and I stuck it in the base of the dollhouse. "Well of course we will help. And not that it matters but I can imagine Roxanne doesn't know."

"Nope." I said sticking another piece in only to see it fly out my hand. "Well fuck I hope that wasn't an important part."

"I must say this is quit challenging."

"Yeah and watch her play with it for all but 2 minutes."

"Possible but..."She began as we heard a quiet knock at the door.

"It's me moms." Callie whispered as my wife got up to unlock the door letting her in.

"Hey baby. Thought you were passed out." I said as she took a seat beside me.

"No, well I was but couldn't sleep. You guys are still putting this together?"

"Yes please don't fucking remind me. It's easier to steal a car then do this shit."


"What it is babe. I mean I stole enough em." I said as she shook her head at me.

"I can help moms."

"Help along. Here. We are on page 2."

"Oh. Two out of 100?"



"So why can't you sleep honey?" My wife asked.

"Well is everything ok with Peaches? She seemed weird."

"Yeah she is fine babe." I lied.

"Really? She didn't drink or anything tonight. You sure she is ok? She's pregnant isn't she?" Callie guessed as I glanced to my wife letting out a sigh.

"How did you know?" Lena asked.

"I don't know. I could tell something was off. I mean way more then the Roxy thing. Is she ok? I heard she stopped at the dinner yesterday and was begging her."

A Life Beyond (Hard Time Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now