A Decision

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"My stomach is in knots and this fucking shirt is annoying as fuck. I hate collars and heels." Stef groaned feeling her crankiness set in.

"Well if it helps you look very beautiful in it." Lena said as the two women sat outside the judges chamber for there second attempt at adopting Callie had come. This time Stef had worn dress pants with a dress shirt and heels which she felt so uncomfortable in she had no damm idea what to do. Mama Rose and Judy helped her as she adjusted the blazer she wore as well. Lena had dressed up a little more as well as she glanced to her wife seeing how nervous she was.

"Thanks. Even if I feel like a fucking idiot in this."

"Far from it love."

"Dressing like this will help us adopt Callie? Fuck my life." She said rolling her eyes and tugging on her blazer sleeves.

"It's not so much that honey. It's a combination of things that we didn't have before."

"Well my nerves are shot that's for fucking sure and what the fuck is taking this woman so damm fucking long."

"Baby you have to relax. You being like this won't help matters you know."

"I'm trying but you are not nervous?"

"I am. But it will be ok regardless and we can't let Callie sense how nervous we are. She was already up half the night."

"I know poor thing." She said seeing Callie come out the bathroom and taking a seat beside them as Stef gently grabbed her hand holding it.

"You ok sweets?"

"Yeah just my stomach. It's killing me."

"It will be ok baby. Whatever happens we will deal with it. Good or bad. Ok?" Stef said winking as Callie let out a wide smile.

"Yeah, I just want to thank you both. I love you so much regardless of what happens this time. I really do and thank you for everything."

"We love you too Callie and you are welcome. And no matter what this judge says we are still your moms ok sweet girl? Because I loved you from the day I met you in the library, and I knew you were special."

"Thanks Mama Lion. I knew you were too."

As the three sat in silence and the new judge called them in she had looked over the letters from friends and family, the recommendations from their jobs and case workers, their growing income and reports from home visits. It was all so nerve wracking as the judge looked to Callie whom she could see was rather nervous.

"Callie you will be turning 19 soon tell me why you need this? Is it not enough for you just to live with these two woman that you love?"

"It's not your honor. It's not and I don't know if I can ever really fully explain it in a way anyone will understand. But it doesn't matter if your 40 or 90 family means everything and I never really had one. I don't know my father and my mother never wanted me. She never did and the only thing she was really good at was knocking me up side my head. Alot of things happened to me growing up, some that I still can't talk about. I didn't know love, I didn't understand love but my mom's taught me about it." She said turning to them as they both smiled at her holding hands. 

"Listen, I know they aren't perfect and I know it's easy to judge them since we were in jail. But we weren't there because we were bad people. We were there because we protected ourselves and our family. They have always protected me, and given me a roof over my head and mom has always made sure I have my medicine. Always. Without her I would have been dead and that's the truth. Even without them now I'd be on the street and I wouldn't be the person I am today. Mama taught me to read so that I can read to my little girl who loves them too. That's another thing. I want my little girl to have what I didn't as a kid. I want her to have a stable family, and a family that loves her and is there for her like my moms are. They gave me a chance and I have a life because of them and they are the parents I always wanted. So yes it's not enough just to live with them and for me to change my name. I want them on my birth certificate, I want them to legally be my moms and them to legally be my daughter's grandmothers. That's all I want your honor. I mean I know the other judge didn't understand or give us a chance but I hope you will."

A Life Beyond (Hard Time Series Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora