74 - Spontaneous Adventures

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I look up from my cereal and see Vinny walk into the room like he's a ghost. He plops down into the chair and pours himself a bowl. I go back to eating, and since neither of us are morning people, neither of us speaks.

Finally, after several awkward moments, Habit glides into the room. He commences to burst out laughing and grins at us. When we both give him a question mark look, he only laughs harder.

"It's like suburbia in here!" he exclaims.

"How is that funny?" Vinny asks.

"It's fucking hilarious, Vin," he says, his voice deepening. "You two pretending to be normal is just hilarious to me."

I'd say something, but I end up biting my tongue. Who knows what kind of mood he's in today? I could just make things a thousand times worse for Vinny. And me, really.

"Y/n," Habit says, pointing at me. "We're gonna go on a little adventure today."

"What? Why?"

"Uh, because I said so. And I'm the boss. Well, I'm the man of this house and nothing goes unless I say it can go and I say we can fucking go and have an adventure."

"Alright, um, let me get dressed and ready. Okay?"


I head for the stairs and glance at Vinny, whose face is more ashen than Centralia. Something's still going on with him and I don't know what it is, but I will. But for now, Habit has plans. And I always have to do as he says when he's in a mood.

Fun indeed.

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