the psychopath is back!

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Ah...i wonder why she's out now? So i guess that means she's back..but what does she want this time? She already tried killing me...

~start of a small flashback~

I was walking around and then i saw it out of the corner of my eye's...ah's her...the psychopath...the one that tried to kill me when i was younger and she was a transfer student and* she here to try and kill me again? Though she can't either way since i can't die...oh long as she doesn't target my friends and family then i won't mess with her..But then I saw her walking towards me after she noticed me..Well shoot...

~end of a small flashback~

And she's still walking towards me...ah i guess i'll have to talk to her again...i don't want to though...but i might need to and see what she wants and if she needs help or something...I don't usually hold grudges...unless you are a certain man that lived longer then he should and that i got to kill...Ah well...i started walking to her, i hid a frown...she was smiling, which probably should have sent off alarms in my head but surprisingly enough it didn't. So she might not kill me or anyone else but i'm not entirely sure.

We stopped right in front of each other. "it been a long while...hasn't it...karma.." she said. I smiled, "yes it what are you going to be doing this already failed on killing me the first time around..Are you here for a second round?" I asked her.

She frowned, i prepared myself to move if she wanted another try at trying to kill me. "no...i just wanted to talk to you.." she said. I raised and eyebrow, "is it going to be like last time?" i asked her.

Surprisingly enough, she shook her head for a no. "No i no longer feel the need to kill anyone anymore...this time it will just be talking..I promise i will not harm you yet alone kill you.." she said. I said at her and into her eyes...I saw her honesty..i let out a sigh..."Very well..lead the way.." I said. She smiled softly, as if she was grateful that i said yes and gave her another chance.

She started walking in a certain direction and i recognized where she wanted us to go. It was the same place where she first tried to kill me and the place where koro-sensei caught me as i threw myself off the cliff..yeah not that greatest plan i ever had but i wanted to see what kind of person he was..and the best way to do that was to throw myself into harms way and limit the amount of choices he had to both catch me and not die.

Though it was not like i could die...though no one knew that other then me and my old friend that's called death...even the man that lived longer then he should, that i killed that day didn't know..I'm not really willing to say that man's name...He was a pain in the neck because he always found a way to hide himself from me and death. I couldn't see him, he was clouded by the mist, so i didn't know where he was that was really annoying now that i thought about it ad now that he wasn't a problem anymore. Ah i guess i should pay attention now, so i don't get caught off guard. I focused on her, I held back a frown and kept a smile on my face.

I wonder what it is that you truly desire...what is it that makes you didn't from an actually psychopath? Let me see what happened in your past and your dead loved ones.. I said mentally so she didn't know.

Then i saw it abused girl who has nothing to lose except her siblings..what a twisted fate it as a person who was experimented after becoming who i am because of a mistake and had to endure all that pain...and a little girl who was abused by her father and practically broke and fell into a blind rage, killing her father and leaving.

She left the rest of her family behind, since she didn't want to go into another blind rage around them and kill them. So she left, i felt and heard what she wanted...she wanted what i finally had after so long...friends...who i can claim as family..she wanted to be cared for after suffering like me..i was lucky to have people after so long..she was not so lucky..this time i frowned..You have suffered and endured like me..but unlike broke...well..kinda.. she knows she has her family but she doesn't want to go back and accidentally go into a blind rage and kill the last of her family..

I let out a sigh...i guess i will have to get involved with this..i thought as we got there.. we-were silent for a long while before she turned towards me and smiled.."I want to know this karma... I know you are a mystery to me..i would like to actually get to know you..but..i want you to answer me..can you kill me?" She asked me and my eyes widen a little bit in surprise. "i can..but i won't.." I said and a hint of rage flashed across her face. " Why not?! I tried to kill you remember?! So why won't you kill me?! I don't want to live any longer..not without them but i can't be around them because i might accidentally kill them!" She had started yelling before calsping on her knees and started sobbing.

I moved and gave her a hug, I felt her froze and her shock. Then her trembling hands grabbed onto my shirt and she continue to  sobbed. So i waited...for at least an hour or two as she sobbed. Ah.. i don't know what to think.. I'm not used to this..its been to long since i last had to comfort someone. I used to do that all the time when i was a kid or a teen...but after that time when i killed that man...they started comforting me and not come to me as much as they use to when they needed someone. So i don't know what to think anymore...or how i should react anymore as well...since i hadn't had to comfort anyone since then and its been some years...

I guess i'll just do what i use to do...maybe...i held down a frown...I really don't know what to do other then hug her gently and try to reassure her..but what should I say to her? I thought. "Don't worry.. I think I can help you out with that little problem of yours." I said to her and she looks up at me with tears in her eyes. "R-Really? Thank you karma.." she said kinda trembling. I let a small smile cross my face. "Your welcome." I said. Though I wonder if ritsu noticed this yet and alerted the rest of my friends? I hope not but I have a feeling that things are going to get complicated soon...I thought with a sweat drop...yes indeed things will get complicated especially if you involve them..since they are overprotective of me and all...they are my fiancé after all.. we are still planning for the wedding to take place sooner or later...we just haven't picked a place yet to actually do the wedding...Ah goodness..

I should probably not think about that yet.. I can think about it at another to focus on this.. I thought. I checked my phone and noticed that ritsu was listening to our conversation...yep... I'm pretty sure they will be here soon...I thought.."um I think they might be here prepare yourself please before they get here.." I said and her eyes widen with surprise and worry. "Don't worry I won't let them harm you.." I said. " but what about you karma?" She asked. "Hm? They won't hurt me." I said. Now all we had to do is wait.. I thought.

1439 words now! Finally finished this chapter! Yes! Well hope you all like and enjoy this chapter.. until the next chapter it is then.. that might take a while though...well until next time..ja ne~!

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