a reason

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Everyone has a reason, even if the do not know it. People have reasons why they kill, why they like certain things, on why the act the way they do. You can't change that, it's who they are. If they want to change then they can, if they don't,well they don't have to change even if it's because of people hurting them either emotionally or physically. I wouldn't change who i am because I like being me. No one can even come close to who I really am. Not my friends, not the people from school or even those i might consider family. There will always be a reason behind the acts, words and personality. The only one's who can change are those who willing change themselves. No one else can do that for them. You just need to remember, there is a reason, even if they don't know it.

Sorry on cutting it short,but i did say some are going to be short chapters.

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