for one second

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Just for a second, i can feel like a normal boy. But when that's second is over i remember, my past, the pain,  all of it. Then i know i will never be a normal person, more so when your training to be an assassin. Even if it's a second, i can feel normal,that my past never happened, that i still have my family, smiling with me and at me, like nothing happened. Then i remember, i only have one family member left and she doesn't remember me. That hurts me so much, having only one family member left only for her or him not to remember you at all. I say it hurts more than when i was experminted on, but that's just me. Because other would say it doesn't hurt like being experminted on. I'm already used to the pain, but emotional, i can't say i didn't expect it, but emotionally it hurts. Think about it this way, what if you had only your parent's and siblings, then for your parent's to die on you within a few years. Then your older sibling dies infront of you, then your other sibling doesn't remember you at all, and you are left being hurt every single day. Then you finally find what's left of your family,only for them not to even know who you are. It hurts so much, the pain is unbearably,then your sibling wants revenge on an innocent person who was practically in love with their older sibling. Imagine that, and i only get a second to forget all of that, and think like a normal person and then i remember it all.

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