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'I'm not worth people's tears' i thought as i stared at the sunset with tears flowing down my face. Time is running out, they are gonna find out about my past soon. 'I'm sorry i lied' i thought. I don't think they would want me to stay when they find out, I'm not really worth it whenever i think about. They don't have to get hurt over me, I'm lost. Life is meanness to me, it's my fate. I've waited and waited, no noticed me falling deeper into depression. I'm sorry for lying to you my friends and family. I'm death, people will die, i can stop it but that doesn't mean they would allow me or like it. They could hate me for making them immortal, I've been waiting. No one would cry over me because I'm not worth it. ' I'm just not worth it' i thought, the sun already down as i watched the moon is reflected upon the water from the pond. I continued to stare with tears falling silently, all of a sudden i feel two different arms hugging me from behind. My eye's widen with shock when i turned to look at them. Someone noticed? B-But when did they noticed my pain that i keep inside? Nagisa and Gakushu is hugging from behind. I guess someone noticed after all.

~POV change~

We followed karma as he walked, something was up with him. Something was wrong- no is wrong with karma. So me and Gakushu fallowed him were he sat down and watched the sunset. That's when we both noticed him crying. Which in turn made us both turn and stare at each other in shock. K-Karma's crying? But why? Why would he cry with so much pain in his eye's? What happened to you karma? We both looked at each other in determination, we will make sure you never cry alone again. Or at least try, we both started walking towards him silently, knowing full well how he would most likely react to our footsteps. When we both got close to him, we hugged him. We could barley see it but we both could see his eye's widen with shock in them. He turned a little to see us, we didn't let go. After awhile, his tears finally dried. Then we noticed he fell asleep, then me and Gakushu looked each other in the eye and we knew we are not going to tell anyone what happened here. We both don't what to lose his trust and make him feel betrayed. Who knows how many times karma has been hurt with just betrayal alone already. Both of us then helped karma up and Gakushu looked for the address of karma's home. When we finally found it, we both felt shocked. Karma lived in an orphanage, we both looked each other in the eyes, and i knew that the both of us are going to look after him and are gonna try and stay the night over. We knocked on the door and after a few seconds an old man opened the door. His eye's locked on to karma "what happened?". He said as he looked at me and Gakushu. "Karma fell asleep a while ago." i said. The old man then let us inside while staring at us deeply. Trying to determine if what i said was true. After apparently being satisfied with the answer he came up with in his mind, he then relaxed. Gakushu then asked "could we stay over for the night?" then old man then said "yes as long as your parent's know about it." we both called our parent's and got them to agree. We then went to karma's and helped him into bed. Then we both stared at each other intensely. Both of us communicating even though we weren't moving our mouths. No one is going to know about this unless karma said it was okay. We both knew, then we both relaxed after that and went to bed. Me on the left, karma in the middle and Gakushu on the right side. Then i fell asleep.

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