karma's to innocent

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I stared confused at what they were saying. I didn't get what they said and they all looked at me, waiting. Expecting me to answer them, how can I answer them when I didn't understand what they were talking about. I know I must have a stupid look on my face, they just stood there. Looking at me, confused on why I wasn't saying anything. I then said " uh, I really don't know what your talking about. Can you tell me what your talking about?" they had shocked looks on, they turn to each other and started talking in whispers. I could hear them, it pissed me off to hear that they said " karma's too innocent to know what we are talking about " and " who knew karma didn't know about it." My left eye brow started twitching, I calmed myself down. I give them a small glare, I was still confused by what they were talking about early. They all turn to me, what made me freeze was that they looked very protective. I had a ' what they fuck is going on' face. They all started talking about random things, I knew what they were doing, they were trying to detract me from what they said early. Well I guess I'll play along for now. After a while The Five Virtuosos could be seen walking in our direction. Then they started talking, i ignored them, not knowing they were about to ask me a few questions. I got distracted by something and walking over, that's when I saw my snake. My eyes light up like a Christmas tree, i kneel down and allowed alex to come on to my arm. I get and turn my head, just to see them staring at me, with a hint of confusion on their faces, which turned into either shock, horror, or panic when I turned my body to them, they just saw alex, my pet snake. I don't know how he followed me all the way here, but he's staying with me. I look at them with a hint of confusion on my face, i don't know why they are acting like this. It's not the first time my snake followed me.
They start telling not to move, i look at them like they were crazy, "the snakes name is alex." i said. They then freeze, looking at me in shock. One of them asks" alex?" " yep my snakes name is alex, this is alex." i said, holding my arm out as my snake starts to come forward on my arm that I'm holding out. I let a big smile out, my snake is very awesome in my opinion. In other people's, they would probably be scared to death of alex. My face filled of amusement, i like scaring people. It's more fun to laugh at other people then themselves, but that is just mean, and cruel. So i usually don't laugh unless i want my class to not be so sad or something. Alex is a little sweet heart, once you get to know him that is. If you don't know him and he doesn't like like you...well you better watch out because he is poisoness. I then walked away, unaware that my classmates told The Five Virtuosos that I'm an innocent person that doesn't understand things and other stuff. I quickly walked to the place i call home, i go in and went to my room and changed clothes before falling asleep.

who is karmaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें