karma sings

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I let the words come flowing out of my mouth. My heart full of sadness, you promised me but you broke it instead.

You promised me, that you would stay
You said you would never go away
I find out that the promises are meant to be broken
I find out that you broke our promise
You said i promise i would never leave
But i hear that you broke that promise
Because your gone
I can never hear you again
I can never see you anymore
That promise you made, broken like it was never there
You said i promise to stay
But you went and broke it
That promise was a lie
You promised

I could feel the tears in my eye's, i could hear that promise echo in my mind. I promise you said i would stay you said to me. But where are you now? I finally let the tears fall down my face, your face in mind, where are you now?

I made the lyrics up too, sorry if it's not that great.

who is karmaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ