calling korosensei

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Damn how long she's going to chase me for...oh, I'll get ritsu to call Korosensei. I bring my phone out and ask "ritsu can you call korosensei, it's an emergency."she nods and starts to calling him but she calls the others (without my knowledge) to meet at school and ritsu tells me to go to school, where E class is.

But i didn't know that she called nagisa and the others.'fuck she's catching up! Crazy bitch, I'll tell you.' I then run to where to school where ritsu said to go to while i faked looking panicked while somewhat shocked and almost out of breath.
('It was all fake..' i thought.)

The others looked shocked, i didn't see nagisa and the others, nor did i see my other sensei's, tadaomi karasuma and irina jelavic, but i did see korosensei."Koro sensei!" i practically yelled "shes trying to kill me for no reason!"
"Who karma?" sensei asked. "The new girl!" i said while still running towards him.

"Karma why would she do that and i don't think shes trying to kill you." sensei tried to reassure me. "Say that to the girl with the knife in her hand trying to stab me for the past two hours!" i yell back at him. Koro Sensei blinks in surprise. Then she suddenly appear behind me and try to stab me in the back with a knife.

"Bitch get away from me! How long are you going to try and kill me for!" i yelled at her. The others then look shocked at her trying to kill me. I didn't know nagisa and the others where here but neither did she, but she didn't know koro sensei was their either. "Until your dead!" she said with a crazy smile. Fuck she just stabbed my shoulder. I close my left eyes from the pain. The others then let out a shocked gasp. Korosensei looks shocked. I looked towards where the gasp came from with a surprise looked..that's all it took for her to get her knife out and stab me in the stomach. I quickly grasp where i was stabbed and then kick that bitch away. Fuck I'm going to pass out soon.

"Karma!" they all scream and start running towards me..koro sensei just came to my side and picks me up. "Why are you trying to kill karma!" they all shouted."Because he found out i was going to kill all of you. With him being first. I just didn't expect him to notice i was about to kill him a while ago and he ran off to go warn you. Knowing the dangers following him.i guess he wanted to warn you just in chase he didn't survive. Guess i was right, he is gonna die anyway after i kill you all, I'll kill him last."she let out a crazy laugh looking gleeful at that thought. They look at me with surprise because even though i was in danger, i thought about warning them first even though she was chasing me and i could have died. Without me knowing it the others just became very overprotective of me. They then surround me and Koro sensei with a protective stance. The girl lets out a crazy smile and laugh, then Dash's towards us. Looking even more crazy than earlier. What a psychopath,i tell you.

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