white little lie

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A white little lie, just one could change something. Just one lie, I've lied my entire live, 'were did it all go wrong' i used to wonder. But now i just don't care, i don't care what people think or say to or about me. Really i don't, this white little lie of mine, could hurt so many. So many would be hurt if they find out about this white little lie. How many would be hurt to know the truth? How many would suffer because they knew it was a lie? How could i stand to look them in the eye when I've lied to to them? About myself? About everything? How could i look them in the eye and tell them the truth? That i lied? This white lie would continue and continue until something happens. Either it's by someone finding out or me telling the truth. I can't stand this lie, but i can't bring myself to tell them the truth. Not now, it's got to stay a lie until everything is alright. I don't think it will be alright though, it doesn't matter. 'Not like i care' i thought with tears flowing down my face,'not like i care' i repeatedly say, trying to convince myself that i don't care. But the truth hurts, i do care. I care so much that it hurts. If i care to much, i might become heartless. You know the saying I've heard quite a bit.
'There are heartless people who once cared too much.' i know that is can be true, caring too much could hurt you so badly that you just want to stop caring. I know that feeling, but not matter what i will always care, even if i don't want to care. This is why i lie, to both protect me and my family. This lie can be dangerous, trust me i know. It all depends on the lie, who was lied to, and why They lied. My friends and my family at the orphanage really don't need to know the lie i told them. If only fore their sake, and for their life do i not tell them the truth. The less people that know the truth the better. I just gotta keep lying until someone happens, it could hurt them if they knew the truth after all. Why hurt them when i can just lie to them so they don't get hurt or die? The truth would make them targets, they could die just from knowing the truth. The worse thing that can happen is that the 'man' would come after them until they die. So in my opinion, they don't need to know the truth just yet, not until the 'man' dies. Then i will tell them the truth. So they don't need to know just yet, that i lied to them. Do they?

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