Karma's flashback after almost killed(somewhat edited)

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Karma's pov
Wow! 'That's a close one' i thought. That bitch tried to kill me with a knife...wow who knew that the new transfer is a psychopath. Weird, but at least i know i can take her. Oh fuck she's still after me! Eh oh well, like i care...How i ended up like this or (not like i can die) why's she's trying to kill me. Well it started like this.

* flashback*

"Class there's a new student here today" the teacher said. I blinked slowly, new student, uh, hopefully their not going to bully my friend nagisa. If they do their dead meat. I mean it (death glare). Oh so the new student is a girl. Who cares...oh well maybe A-class might but this is E-class lowest of kunugigaoka junior high school. I still say it's elite because it starts with an E. Oh better focus and see, what the new girl feels like, did i mention i can feel their intentions, like what their planning or feeling? I focus on her...what the fuck!? Why does she feel like she's wants to kill everyone! Oh wait that's whats she's after. Eh good luck with that. You'll have to get through our sensei's first...unless they don't know she's planning on killing everyone. Eh might as well ask her after school. It might be a bad idea though but i can call Korosensei, if i need to. Eh going to daydream....

~ one minute before school ends~

Wha? Didn't think i'd daydream that long and without the teacher asking me to do something. What the fuck is she looking at me like she whats to kill me first. 'bitch please i can take you on anyday' comes on to my faces. She blinks in surprise and her face says 'I'm going to kill you first' i then blink in fake surprise and innocent, the look on my face changes into fake confusion, while I fake mentally ask ' what do you mean?'. She then looked surprise once again. Then her face says evil thoughts on how to kill me and stuff...guess i fooled her too. After all no one has seen me...not even my family...my true family, Don't see me yet...after all i am aguri yukimura younger brother, i did see what korosensei truly was and i saw that he didn't kill my older sister, but my other older sister didn't see the truth....i have to show her the truth, so i can finally turn korosensei back, back into the human he once was.

He probably blames himself or at least a little bit from my older sisters death.I hide everything from everyone. Korosensei was and still is the closest person to me besides nagisa....wonder what they will say and think,when they find the true me. After all i am death...how am i death? Simple, a horrible experiment gone wrong. I was at the right place but wrong time.


I was walking towards the building where i was told to go and to my surprise i was forced in to some cell with something glowing. It looked weird. I can't describe it. It starts to turn brighter. I closed my eyes the next thing i knew was only pain before i blacked out, when i woke up and got up i see that everything was destroyed but me. I see the bodies everywhere. I start to wonder why i was alive and they where not. I was the only person that survived, the others died, my big sister fiance was angry that his men were stupid enough to let it go to waste and that they made me go in there, when it was clearly about to explode and that i almost died. Because if i did my older sister would have let korosensei (when he was still human) out and get him to kill her fiance.

Which i wouldn't mind seeing because that man needs to die, he should have died years ago but nooo, he had to make sure he survived. Ha! What a laugh, stupid enough to get his whole place destroyed but smart enough to keep him alive. Tch, what is wrong with people these days. I hide everything about me... I hide behind this smile, this white lie... Almost everything about me is a lie, not that they seem to notice or care for that matter. I rarely sleep or eat for that matter because i'm not quite used to it yet, i did make sure i weigh 65 pounds before isogai grabbed me into a hug. It was so he won't notice how little i weighed. I had to force myself to eat a lot that day, i threw it all back up, when i was alone... Now I'm back to 55 bounds, my doctor complains about how little i eat... Oh well at least i'm trying to bring my weight back. The reason why my older sister akari yukimura now kayano kaede does not remember me for now, is because of him, i was brought before him and experimented on. It was way worse than being struck by lightning or thunder or being thrown thousands of miles and being thousands high up and landing on the ground.

Trust me it hurts even now but it's more like phantom pains now. It doesn't hurt as much but to others if they feel the pain i feel, it feels like being struck thousands of times by thunder or lightning, they might even die by that much pain... I can still sense him, he's still alive, he is suppose to be dead.


I can make people immortals but only to those i want to. If forced they die immediately. I'll make my class ( not the new girl who wants to kill us all ) and maybe some others if they want to.' i thought.

* end of flashback, another flashback*

Why is she coming towards me?
"Hey karma i need to talk to you"she says with a crazy smile of hers. I put on a fake smile and say"sure where to?" she starts to lead me in to the forrest but very deep in there." so what does the psychopath want with me?"i say, she then freezes up. Then she turns to face me."so you knew"she says and i then say"yep you can't fool me easily."she says"to bad." I Then feel something goes toward my stomach and my hand goes to catch whatever it was coming and catch it and to my fake surprise it was her hand with a knife. She blinks in surprise like she was not expecting me to catch her trying to kill me."oh you notice." She says while still trying to stab me while i dodge. I then take off running and she follows me.

*end of second or third flashback*

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