karma play the piano again but sings too

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I started out with just letting my fingers hit the keys, but somewhere in mind i lost it and started to sing.

My song of the endless
This song of sadness
This world full of hate
When will you learn to forgive?
You don't need to feel the pain
But you chose to anyway
What i don't get is that you always smile
You always made me smile
Even when it felt like i was alone
But i could always see the pain you hide from me
My world changed
When will you stop hiding the pain
I can help you if you gave me the chance
When will this world learn to forgive?
This hate needs to stop
I can't protect everyone from this pain
Why can't you stop hiding?
I feel your pain
When will this world learn that it can't just hate? But to forgive
You made me smile
You brighten my day
But i can see that smile that hide the pain
When will you learn to forgive?

As my fingers hit the last key, i stop singing. 'I got ahead of myself' i couldn't help but think with tears in my eye's. Why does this world make me feel this much sadness? Why do i have to cry for this world when i leaded me into so much pain, so much sadness, so much loss and for what? To make someone's life so miserable? To have someone loss so much in one life...to have one want to end his life so much. Is it too much to ask for? To have everyone just not have so much hate in themselves? Is it too much to ask for?

My made the lyrics up on spot, sorry if it's not that good.

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