I'll remember

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I met koro-sensei before i was experimented on. I could see hidden kindness or fondness in his eye's when he stared at my older sister. It won't be noticeable to anybody unless they are use to seeing it. Which i can see is not many.

I got to see him because of my older sister. She brought me with her when she went there. I still don't know all of the stuff she was supposed to do. All i knew was that she checked up on him, i still don't know why they even had him in the first place.

I'll still remember even when other's forget, I'm glad that I've met people who i can consider my friends and family. Memories come and go but we will remember the time of our lives. I will not walk away from my memories, i need to get over them. I'll remember that i was not always alone and I'm not now.

I will remember no matter what, i will have them all. All of my memories will stay with me and i will not forget. I'm glad that i have my friends and family with me. It might end soon because of 'him'. But my memories will not fade. I will remember the time when we were friends and family. Even if that ends, i will remember.

Sorry that this one short but I'm working on more chapters then this one. I'm also trying to catch myself when making mistakes like misspellings, that's why i read over it most of the time.

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