E class vs A class

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We all decided to go with that plan. It started out simple. Well i won't say anything for now, now lets get back to reality. I blinked slowly, making sure no one notice me deep in thought. I look around slowly make sure to make it look like i was just looking randomly. I see asano and new kids, or transfers, I didn't really care. When they said to start, we all stayed, knowing what should happen next. Asano sent some ahead. Trying to take us down, two of our own pretended that they were forced to run at them to try and block them. They stopped them for a few seconds before being thrown away. But to my somewhat surprise, no one saw them leaving and sneaking around. But it's all according to plan. Then before anyone knew it we had taken down them, and held the wood on them, making sure that can't get up. Then the other two came out of no where for the rest and got to asano's group. Then about more than half the class ran to where asano was. All to the sides, trying to force him down. I knew asano would know at least how to fight. Asano then threw his helmet, that's what I'm calling it, off and grabbed someone's hand and threw them away and then he jumped hitting people in the face. Then he jumped onto the top of the wood.
Isogai who was kicked away then got into the position that I told him to and nagisa was already running, then using Isogai to jump and get higher, grabbing asano's leg and pulling him down. He tried to hold on, then all but me and two others ran to him, I was walking while the other two stayed to keep them down. We all knew it might not be enough to get them down so I was back up. It was called operation red demon. I then started running towards them, not really hearing what others were saying. I jumped and kicked at the wood, make it start to fall down. Asano ended up letting go before it hit the ground, we did it! We won, now isogai job won't be known. I looked to asano and saw that he was upset about something, so i thought it might be because he lost. I held my hand out to help asano stand, though to my surprise, he took it and i pulled him up. He then said in a whisper that no one but us heard. "You may have won this time but next time you are going down and I'll keep your job a secret". Before walking away, the others on his team followed him. My class started leaving to celebrate. I wanted to follow asano and see what might disturbed him. So I did, and what i saw shocked me. Asano's dad stood talking everyone else except gakushuu was in pain and on the ground. Gakushuu was a course on the ground but not in pain, his back against the wall. Asano was talking. I stayed long enough to see it and hear what asano said. I'm not going to say anything, no wonder gakushuu looked upset and worried.

Sorry to those who read this bit I'm too lazy to write about that part and put the video on here if you want to see it. It's just about when asano was talking and they were on the ground. I'll make more but i can't promise to make the next one as quickly. Hope you like.oh if you get things like an update it just mean i had to repubish so i could put new ones on

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