FP looked at the windows. Alice was talking to someone in the living room. He couldn't see who but ducked when the door opened. He did not look their way but he did keep an ear to the ground.

"Be responsible Elizabeth," Alice walked Betty out the door. "You've always been my overachiever. Let's keep it that way. I don't want you to make yourself sick like your sister. Your father went to go check on her and he told me she is still the same."

"I will mom you know that. I'm just going with Kevin to the Twilight," Betty says slipping the strap of her purse on. "That reminds me. I'll be sleeping over at his house. Sheriff Keller is okay with that."

"That's fine darling. Just be back for breakfast tomorrow."

"Sure," Betty nods and makes her way to the sidewalk. She walks towards Kevin's house to meet him. He begged her to help him find a cute guy. She couldn't say no to one of her dearest friends.

FP waited until the teenager was away from the neighborhood. He overheard that Hal wasn't home as he quickly took the opportunity to knock on her door. Alice opened the door and tried to slam it in his face but FP put his foot in to stop it from completely shutting. "Alice."

"Go away FP."

"Come on let me in. Let's just talk."

Alice thought about it. She didn't want to let him in but she could use someone to talk to. "Fine," Alice steps aside to let him in. FP walks in and stands in the foyer. "But not wearing that jacket."

"Come on it's who I am."

"Off or out."

FP complies and takes his serpent jacket off. His biceps were exposed by the tight fit his shirt sleeves had on them. Alice tried her best not to stare at them. He carried his jacket around in his hands. He started going upstairs to look around the house. He looked at the picture frames on the wall.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Just looking around. I want to know more about this northsider Alice. It's been years Al."

"Weren't you going to do that with us talking?"

"We will," FP stepped inside her bedroom. It was neat. Not a single mess was found inside. He knows Alice was always an organized woman. "Come join me." He took a seat on her bed. Alice leaned on the doorframe staring in.

"What are you really doing here?"

"I've missed you Al. You can ignore me all you want but try to listen to me. What we had was...complicated. I know Hal gave you everything I couldn't but I-"

"Hold on there's someone in the house," Alice stopped him. She checked down the hall. Betty was back. Alice ran back to the room and pointed at the window. FP looked where she was pointing. "You can't be serious."

"Go," Alice tells him to hide. FP sighed and leaves his jacket on the bed. He opened the window quick and climbs out. He hangs on the window sill. Alice hid his jacket and covered his hands by standing in front of the window. Betty knocked on the door. "Betty is that you?"

"Yeah mom."

"You're back already?"

"I forgot my wallet. Kevin gave me a quick ride back to grab it," Betty explained. "I heard something are you okay?"

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