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Briar's POV

It's evening. The animals were still here. They serve us and now we live in luxury. Could you imagine? Racoons giving already opened coconut to drink, foxes created fire for you, birds putting flower crown onto your head.

Apple really is a powerful person, not just because she's rich and influential, but also because she has some real powers. She was still unconscious and sleeping on the bed the animals made for her. Two elephants were guiding apple, side by side. Maddie and Raven were creating the word "help" in the sand using stick and stones. And i, were sitting in a log near the fire and apple's "bed".

I just like the warmth of the fire. It's really cold here in the evening compare in the morning. I don't really know where we are. Probably, in some parts of europe. The only thing that's running in my head is that, why is this place somehow tropical? I mean, were going to france, and if our jet would crash, we were probably in some parts of europe. But why is it tropical?

Suddenly, while drinking the coconut "juice", i feel a little urge down in my stomach. I stood up and get to raven and maddie.

"i'm going to pee." i said to them, sounding like a kindergarten children asking for her teacher's permission to let her pee.

"then pee, no need to tell me about it." Raven replied. I rolled my eyes over her. "what i mean is, where am i going to pee? There is CLEARLY, no bathroom here!" i screamed at her.

Raven looks at me directly while raising one of her eyebrows. Her hands were pointing to the woods. OMG, don't she dare tell me!

"what do you mean?" i asked cluelessly even though i know what she really means.

"what i mean is, if you want to pee, then pee inside the forest! That won't be hard!" raven shouted as if she was the boss around.

"woah, woah. You can't talk to me like that! I'm asking kindly, on where should i pee and then you shouts at me!?" i screamed at her. She was just quiet then completely ignore me. She continued the thing she's been doing. Maddie just keep quiet and look at us.

"fine." i said to them and head inside the forest. It's really dark here. I should've bring some torch with me. I go further inside the forest until nobody could see me. I find the safest part and pee behind a large tree. When i am finsihed, i heard a familiar voice calling my name.

"briar..." the voice whispered right into my left ear. I turn around and saw nothing. Suddenly, i feel hands covering my mouth and another hands holding both of my shoulders. I feel us floating until i saw my feet left the ground. I couldn't scream because the hands were still covering me. The people who "kidnapped" me, puts some powdee into my nose which cause me to loose consciousness.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I wake up, tied into a tree with some vines. In front of me were a large hut which can fit three persons. Its morning, i look around and saw no one. This might be the chance for me to leave this place. For whoever do this to me, they are stupid for tying me with vines. This can be easily riped off. Suddenly, i heard three voices coming to me. I immediately removed the vines and climb the tree as fast as possible.

I saw three girls who get inside the hut. They were duchess, kitty and..faybelle.

"did you see the look on briar face when we put the acorns on her nose!?" Faybelle asked the two while laughing.

"hi-larious!" kitty replied which causes them all to laugh. Huh, its kinda weird that they didn't noticed that i'm gone.

"come down now briar, i saw you." faybelle said. H-how!? How did she!?

"i thought your potion lasted for 2 days? Why did she wake up earlier thab expected?" duchess asked faybelle.

"thats the reason why we created the potion right before that vacay to pair-is. Because the days of the potion were lessend. When created it, and immediately put into someone, he or she will be asleep for 3 days." faybelle replied. The three were inside the hut. I couldn't hear them clearly so i climb down a bit to hear what they were talking about.

"and in raven's case, the potion weren't put in her As soon as possible. The days of the effects were lessened by one day, that's why she fell asleep in two days. But, due to the wonderland potion faybelle asked me to get, the results is that she wil sleep in two days and won't remember anything in another two days." i heard kitty said. Those bastard are the real reason for use ending up here! I need to tell apple immediately!

"kitty, get briar from that tree before she escaped and tell anyone." faybelle ordered her. I jumped from the tree which causes my leg to get broken. I screamed in pain as i saw kitty appeared in front of me and pulls me by my dress. I didn't know kitty is that strong to pull me.

"leave me alone!" i screamed while both of my hands were holding my brokem feet. We entered the hut which is actually a large tent. There were food, folding beds and plenty of water supply. In a corner, i saw faybelle and duchess. They were sitting in a chair with a table and a map which i supposed, the map of this place.

"what do you want from us!? Why do you sabotage our flight!?" i asked duchess.

Ever After High: Stranded (#EAHWattyAwards2018)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon