[15] Fifteen

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Cerise's POV

"CERISE!!" blondie shouted from the hut. I was inside the forest right now and trying to find some foods. I knew they would be angry of what did. I just hate my werewolf side!

The birds began to leave their nest due to blondie's scream. It looks like there were eggs left by their parents.. Hmm its been long since the last time i eat eggs. I peak at a small tree. There, was a hole were the mother bird puts its egg. I do not know what kind of bird is this, but i do know that this eggs are edible. Three eggs were there and is just the right amount for the three of us. One for each other.

I get back to our spot. Angry face were plastered into both blondie and cupid. They look bad at me like they were gonna kill me.

"gosh girls.. Sorry okay?" i apologize but that seem to not work. They were still angry at me. I've been doing this since we landed here and they somehow just pass me. But this time, it seems like i don't have any chance passing.

"here." i said and show them the three eggs i took. At first i though they would be happy, but instead,they took It from me and put it in a leave.

"are you serious cerise?" cupid asked. I don't know what i did wrong. I just find food. You know.

"what!? What did i do!?" i asked ferociously. They rolled their eyes and get inside the hut. I was left alone outside so i followed them. They put the eggs in a small burrow of sand and covered it with leaves.

"i can't believe you cerise." blondie stated. "how do you see some innocent life as a food!?" this time, blondie shouted. It was just a simple problem but they seem to over react. If they don't want to eat the eggs, then i'll just put it back to the tree! No need for them to shout. Geez.

"guys i was just trying to help okay? If you don't want to eat it, i'll go bring it back to where i found it!" i shouted then cocked my eyebrows. I took the eggs from the burrow and placed it in my hand. Leaving them, i get inside the forest and brought it back to the tree where i got it. I was going back until i heard a woman's voice behind me. Her voice was like the evil ones you watch on the tv. With the seducing tone.

I look back, and saw a blue skinned girl. Well, pale skin, which i similar to being blue. Her hair is dark with mint green in it and her dress was mint green also. She has some octopus legs, i don't know what to call it, but she seems to control them.

"who are you!?" i asked the mysterious woman in front of me.

"have you seen this a pink haired girl?" the woman asked. "with a blue dress?" i shake my head and said "no."

"hi, i'm coral by the way." she kindly present herself. She sounds nice, but there is something my werewolf side smells about her. Something about her smelling, fishy. Literally.

"i'm cerise." i replied. She grinned and walks around me, checking my clothing. Atleast i hope she's checking my clothing 'cause the way she acts is making me weird. Is she gay or something?

"nice name you have there.. Uh?" she said.

"its cerise." i replied. The girl rubs her chin and keeps looking at me.

"but why did a werewolf end up here? Are you lost?" she grinned. How did she know that i'm a werewolf? I knew there is something about her!

"do you have any friends or people with you? Ir are you just alone?" she laughs hysterically. Like a lunatic person! She's giving me the heebee geebeez. The way she talks, sounds like she would do anything bad to me. I don't like it.

"actually-" i said. "i have friends. Are plane just crashes here." i explained. She doesn't seem to believe and immediately pull me on the wrist.

"show me your friends!" she weirdly said which i couldn't say no. She's already gripping my wrist and i just happen to be so weak so i couldn't removed my wrist from her.

I started to walk until we get back to our spot. There, i saw blondie and cupid eating some bananas. The girls were shocked that i brought someone to them.

"who's this?" cuoid asked me. I shrugs as the woman releases my hand. The two others stood up from the sand and came to me. "why did you brought someone here?" blondie whispered into my ear. Coral looked around and touches everything she saw. The hut, the fire place, even the banana, she smells it.

"i didn't brought her! She's the one who make me brought her into you." i whispered back. Cupid's face seems like she's feeling uneasy with her. She even try to hides on our back due to her scaredness.

"cupid? Why are you hiding?" blondie asked her, who is now seating in the sand and touching our legs.

"she's freaking me out! And she's super weird. Just look at her!" cupid pointed at her and we saw coral, smelling the fire. She's brave tho cause she doesn't care even if the fire catches her hair.

"yeah, she seens pretty weird.." blondie stated. We help cupid stand up as we saw the coral came into us. Cupid were shaking. I were a bit scared and blondie seems to be just fine around her. Suddenly, coral touches my hair and removed the hood. Cupid and blondie were shocked at they saw. This girl just reveal my secret! Nobody dared to speak cause coral wasn't finished.

She rubs and smells blondie's hair which making her feel more uneasy with coral. Coral also shakes cupid's wing. When she removed her hand on cupid, the wing fell off.

In my head, i was really laughing. Don't get me wrong, but we all knew her wing is fake. She couldn't even fly or atleast moved her wings. Cupid were embarrassed about what coral did, making her hides her face in front of us.

"three minions. Its good than nothing." coral whispered making us looked at her. What did she say? Three minions? Oh God no.. Don't she dare tell us she would use us as her minions!

"what are you talking about?" blondie asked. Coral laughs and quickly holds blondie in the neck. She slowly put her up, and blondie's feet weren't touching the sand anymore.

"you will do as i say!" she evilly replied and removes her hands from blondie, making her fell onto the sands. There was red marks on her neck due to that woman's grip. I helped blondie stand up.

Coral watches us and chuckles. "who do you think you are?" i angrily said and sharpen my claws. I was about to ripped the skin on her face until one of her octopus legs were wrapped around my neck, and threw me far inside the forest. My neck hurts and also my feets. I knew that girl is up to something! I must escape her find my other friends for help. I will be back for blondie and cupid...

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