[21] Begin Again

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Raven's POV

"How did you get this bruise darling?" apple asked. The two were sitting in a log as apple took care and putting some herbs on darling's bruised leg.

I was here outside and sitting on the other log besides apple's. There were four logs where all of us were sitting. We were creating a circle and worrying about blondie and cupid. We hope they're alright. Kitty and faybelle were inside the hut. It was open and briar was near them so she can watch them to make sure they won't escape.

"ouch Apple!" darling groans causes apple to moved a little. "i'm so sorry. I'm only going to put the bandages to cover that." apple replied.

There was silence. All of us seemed to be very tired. Everyone were staring blankly on the sand floor or the mid air. Even maddie. She usually the positive one in this moments but now, she just seemed to be very tired. Like, she just wanted to scream 'i want to go home.'

Some were just checking their nails just like what briar is doing right now, and some were observing around. Just like what i was doing.

Ashlynn breaks the silence and asked briar. "so, briar. I was just curious, why don't you have those animal manipulating powers. I feel like you're the only princess from the seven queendoms who doesn't know how to do that." everyone's attention were driven over their conversation. Briar smiled and seem to feel ashamed. I don't know what are they talking about but somehow, briar was embarrassed to answer.

"i mean, don't take it the wrong way but why don't you have those. In the seven queendoms, you should be the one who knows how to do that. You have three fairies, i only have one, and fairygod mother can't grant powers unlike flora, fauna and maryweather." ashlynn asked. Briar took a deep breathe and begin explaining.

"fauna thought it was a bit harsh to took all control in the innocent animals. So i don't have that. But flora said she will give me a gift that i can use for life, it will only appear when needed." briar replied. "i guess this is the thing she was talking about," she added and showed the vines that circled around her palms. I was a bit confused, and since i'm new here to ever after, i don't know what the seven queendoms are, and why do they have animal manipulating powers.

"guys." i interrupt. They all turned and looked at me. "what is the seven queendoms?" i asked innocently as they all chuckles and laugh.

"you don't know the seven queendoms?" apple asked while she tries to keep herself from laughing.

"yeah." i answered. "what's so funny?"

"raven, there's nothing wrong. But if you don't really know it i can explain it to you." apple replied. I nodded and let apple start to explain everything up.

"the seven queendoms were combined by sleeping beauty's castle, beauty and beast's, snow queen's, rapunzel's, Cinderella's, red queen's, and ever after, who is owned by my mom." apple said.

"that's all?" i asked. Apple, briar, ashlynn and rosabella cocked their eyebrows at the same time. I find it cool tho cause they did it at the same time.

"what do you mean?" briar asked.

"what i mean is why them? why do they have those powers?" i asked again feeling unsure. I don't know what to say...

"because they contribute a great role in the land of ever after." apple said. "ashlynn's castle support the needs of ever after of clothing and fashion. Briar's support the us with their agriculture. Rosabella's were the one who is responsible for the huntings to support us. Red queen's support ever after with their magic, that's the reason why ever after still exist. Snow queen's castle support ever after by giving us a great weather. Rapunzel support us with their great army."

"in the center of those queendoms, it's ever after, which is apple's castle." briar said. "in exchange of us supporting them, snow white took care of all problems in the whole land. Like poverty, corruption etc.."

"wow. T-that's awesome.." i replied. "but what about the seven sea kingdoms? Like what meeshell told us earlier."

"well, i only know one thing. It is that the pacific ocean support's the land with their fishes." apple replied. I nodded then get back to observing around. The silence is back again. No one talks, until cerise screams.

"what is it?" we all asked and turned to see her being held by duchess in her arm. Cerise immediately bites duchess and hold her hair.

"woah guys chill." duchess said while chuckling. I don't know what is she up to but she seems to be not scared about us.

"what are you doing here? Shoudln't you be running away from us?" cerise said to her.

"well, i'm into something. I was hoping that you were worrying about cupid and blondie. And since i and my new friend capture them, i was hoping to exchange people with you." duchess saids and walks around us. "i want kitty and faybelle back and we will give you cupid and blondie."

"how can we know that you're telling the truth?" briar saids while she holds kitty and faybelle with her vines.

"meet me on the other island's shore tomorrow at twilight. I and my new friend will be waiting in that fallen jet together with cupid and blondie.briar and ashlynn knows the place." duchess replied and wave "goodbye" she added as she grins evilishly at us. She turns into her swan form and flew away from us.

"if she wasn't telling the truth, she wouldn't have be here. Like, if she's lying, she won't have the nerves to get here." maddie said.

"what do you mean?" i asked her.

"we can just easily tie her up right? but she still enters our place. She planned going here. She has some viscous mind so she won't make a move without really thinking it." maddie replied.

"there is only one way to find out." apple whispered and gestured all of us. "be ready, were going to save cupid and blondie."

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