[35] End Game

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"what do we have here!?" the sea witch said as she passed through the girls while holding them on their neck .

All of them were either holded by the sea witch or holded by the octo mermaids. Neither the princesses can use their pearls right now due to octo-mermaids holding onto them.

"lets kill them!" duchess stated, trying to attacked apple.

"not now duchess. Remember what miss witch said?" faybelle holds duchess back, preventing her on killing apple.

Coral moves and go to the ship. She puts her knife under meeshell's neck and tooked the pearl in her hands. "mother! Look. The pacific pearl." coral said showing the pearl into her mother. "hmm, wonder what would happen if i put the black pearl beside it-"

"not now sweetie, we talked about this. I said we have to kill them first before poisoning the pearls." the sea witch interrupts. She was holding eight girls in their necks. They were apple, raven, briar, ashlynn, kitty, rosabella, lizzie and cerise. 

The sea witch then move onto her left where kitty was and hold her in her chin. "hey! We got the sneaky traitor."

"yah, i thought she's really on our side." coral stated. Kitty rolled her eyes and tries to talk to the sea witch.

"you're not gonna win." kitty confidently replied. She yawned and scratches her hair.

"we have an optimist here ladies and gentleman." the sea witch said. "were gonna kill you all!" kitty again, yawned and cocked her eyebrows.

"uhm. Honey? Have you looked behind your back?" kitty asked. The sea witch looked back and saw ships, large ships surrounding them all. There is also a helicopter above the ship that they are in.

"what is this!?" the sea witch replied and holds kitty higher. Kitty grinned then disappeared into the air.

She then teleported in the sea witch's back and drove her claws deep into the sea witch. Blood comes off the sea witch as coral sobs. The octo mermaids began attacking them.

Kitty then pulled her claws from the sea witch's body as its body drops. The girls she is holding were released and began attacking the others.

"you bastard!" coral shouted and jumped right where kitty is. Just when coral landed, kitty werent there anymore. She teleported behind coral and kicked her back making her fall.

"bitch!" coral shouted again, but now, she make sure kitty won't escape again. She hold her in the neck with her legs and get her up. She took a sword from her back and suddenly, a purple fire hit her back, making her to drop kitty.

"you ain't hurting anyone." raven whispered and shots purple blast into coral repeatedly. By that time, queen snow white was busy saving the princesses in the ship, to her helicopter.

Another helicopter came and took everyone except raven, kitty and dayna. They were pretty busy fighting the army including coral, duchess and faybelle.

In a corner was kitty with duchess. Duchess is still wearing the black suit that the sea witch gave them. Right now, there is a helmet in her head with some futuristic look. There is also a hologram fairy wings in the back of duchess making her able to fly.

"surrender now kitty or we will kill you." duchess calmly said without worrying that they were being outnumbered by Queen Snow's army.

"you know duchess, i should be the one saying that." kitty grinned. "look around you. Your army of ugly mermaids are being killed by us."

"tch. That weren't all of them." duchess replied. She then fly over kitty and shoots bullets at her. The bullets cause smoke and kitty almost weren't visible. After a few seconds, the smoke were gone but also kitty. There were no one in that spot.

"duchess, haven't you learned?" Kitty's voice surround duchess' whole head. "i can teleport. No one can kill me." duchess look back on her behind and no one was there.

In another part of the ship, was dayna and faybelle. They were shooting each other as dayna throws a couple of knifes at faybelle. "those knifes can't kill me." faybelle replied.

"yeah. But this can!" dayna shoots arrow at faybelle. She was lucky it misses but then the second arrow shot faybelle in her limbs. Faybelle's eyes turned blue as she create electric blast from her hand and shoot it to dayna. Dayna immediately drop into the water.

Daring was there in the helicopter and watching them as he saw that faybelle hit dayna causing her to drop into the sea. Daring jumps from the helicopter and into the water, trying to find dayna. He saw her sinking as bubbles left her body. He didn't think too much and just go swim and catch her. Her body was sinking faster than he swims but the cold sea weren't that deep and dayna landed on a rock. He catches her and then bring her above the sea. Right there, was a ladder and a rope coming from the helicopter. Daring ties her into the rope by her waist as the people in the helicopter pulled her. He was about to climb the ladder as faybelle shoots electric blast on him. "forget about me already?"

Faybelle was about to throw another blast at daring as raven shoots her with her blast. Faybelle loose balance and drops into the ship. in ng quickly turn his head into raven as she gestured him to climb the ladder immediately.

Kitty also appear inside the helicopter  and helping to pull the ladder up as daring climb. It was only raven left and was fighting duchess, faybelle and coral who were all severely injured. The three stands up from their places and armed themselves with their black suit. Faybelle pushed some button on her neck as three guns and two crossbows appear in her back and was pointing at raven. All were loaded with arrows and bullets and was ready to fire. Faybelle also create a electric blast and was ready to be released.

The two of duchess and coral also did the same but coral ready her 8 arms and duchess ready her two blasters that she is wearing in her hand. It was kinda similar in what shuri from black panther was wearing...

They all pointed their weapons at raven who is floating in the air with some purple fire in both of her fist, and legs. Her hair is also floating as it bruns with some purple and black fire. Her eyes were pure glowing purple. In a count of three, the three shoots all of their weapons at raven who already created a shield to her self. The energy that were released came back and bounced into raven's shield. All of the three girls including their army dropped into the water by the large energy released that bounced back from raven's shield. Basically, they fired at raven with some blast but those blast came back, hurting them.

Even the helicopters that the people of queen white were riding moved a little due to that power released. Queen white ordered the other ships that surrounds them to leave the area immediately by using her radio. Queen white thinks that raven is powerful enough ti fight a whole army by herself.

"do you think we were already surrendering?" coral tiredly said as she tries to swim into the water. Suddenly, a large horn were heard as the water in the area loosen. There, appears a large army of octo-mermaids. There are probably 5000 of them and raven think that  she couldn't fight them all. Right now, in the helicopter, meeshell were sad about seeing the people being injured because they were trying to help her. Her pink pacific pearl glow as the other pearls that her other fellow mermaid princess has. The only missing pearl here is the blue atlantic pearl that is in the hands of the dead sea witch. She opened the helicopter door and jump right from it.

Meeshell was lucky because the sea holds her. Like the sea has its own mind and catches meeshell. She walks over the ship where the sea witch are without being threatened by the army of octo-mermaids that surrouns her. She took the blue pearl from the sea witch's hand and put it with her pearl. The poison that it has were suddenly gone. Then, the sea holds her again in the waist and makes her float. In the helicopter, the ses primcesses were worried about their pearls being uneasily. It was trying to get out from their hands. Until, it leaves them, the pearl float into the air and flies into meeshell and surrounds its whole body. Meeshell slowly open her eyes and show her white glowing eyes. By the flick of her hand, a large tsunami appears and washed the army including coral, faybelle and duchess.

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