[1 Camping]

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Raven's POV

I woke up in the back seat. I can't believe i've fallen asleep. This was such a long trip tho. My head was resting against daring's shoulders. I didn't notice that rosabella were on the other side. That makes daring in between us.

"oh, sorry daring..." i whispered.  He gave me a small smile and continued checking his instagram. "it's fine. Rosabella don't mind." daring replied.

I giggled then looked at rosabella. "hey, how did you get here?" i asked her. She weren't here earlier so...

"i told dexter to pick her up first since her house is just on the way to our camping site." daring answered as rosabella smiled. "by the way, cerise hexted me. She said she's on the way now together with maddie and briar." rosabella said.

"is there any people joining us?" apple asked.

"well, i don't know about hunter and ashlynn, but I'm pretty sure blondie would come.." dexter answered. "she told me she knew the area that i sent her. She might be a little late tho."

"only 5 blocks and were on the site." apple said to us. We all nodded then get back to minding our own business. I put my headphones on, continue to play songs but this time, i played taylor's 4th album, red.

I clicked randomly and it happens to be my favorite song, "begin again". I looked at the mirror as the car drive and imagine mysef being in the music video.

Thinking all love ever does was to break, and burn, and end...

I looked at my right which is rosabella and daring snuggling. Lol i'm kinda jealous but hey i can have some of those later but with dexter.

But on a wednesday, in a cafe, i watch it begin again...

My favorite part has come. I love this part of the song. It's like so relatable. Mostly when you were heartbroken multiple times. Deciding to move on, forget things and begin again..

The car stops. "we're here." dexter said. What? But it's so quick! How did he get up here that fast.

"okay guys, pack our things then we were going to set our tents." apple said. Trying to be the leader again. I remove my earphones, stop the music, and then hid my phone into my pocket.

I get out of the car and head to the back. Dexter was there and opened it to get our things. "are you sure this place is safe?" i asked.

"yes, there's police checking the place 24/7." he replied. "and besides, i wouldn't let anybody hurt you." he then gave me a small kiss in the forehead.

I rolled my eyes and took the unassembled tent. Daring, apple and rosabella already find a clean spot. The soil wasn't that moist. And there is large tress surrounding it like a perfect circle. I and dexter were assigned by apple to fix the tent. It wasn't hard tho because dexter is skilled in this things. Daring and rosabella were assigned to find woods for us to start the fire. It's 4 so we really need the fire now.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . .

The tents were all set now. Daring and his girlfriend brought the woods and stick. Apple opened the lighter and we starts to sit on the branches that we put around the fire.

Dexter were back in the car and tooking some other things like food, sleeping bag... He came back bringing those things with a fishing pole and our clothes.

He set two sleeping bags on one tent. Putting our clothes inside and some food. Then put another two sleeping bags in anither tent with some bags which i assumed were clothes. That tent is probably daring and rosabella's. The Other is mine and dexter's. The last tent would be apple. Because dexter only out one sleeping bag inside. And also the luxurious bags that dexter somehow carry all by himself.

"where is the others?" i asked. Dexter opened his phone and hexted them. Suddenly, we heard a girl walking to our site. We looked to where it's coming and we saw blondie covered in sweaters, scarfs carrying a large back pack and holding a large pot which i assume has some hot souo inside.

"hi guys!" blondie greeted. "i hope i already have my tent!" she asked.

"don't worry blondie. You can sleep inside mine's." apple said. "sit down in this log and put your things down. It was really cold so we decided to surround the fire."

"thank you.." blondie said while putting her things down.

Then,  a couple of minutes goes. We barely do anything but just keep quiet and listen to the crickets and the fire. It's kinda relaxing but a bit boring. We just wait there in the next 10 minutes until briar, maddie and cerise came. By the way, hunter hexted us and said that he and ashlynn aren't coming.

More foods for us if i say...

So anyways, they started to set up another tent. That is where cerise and maddie sleeping. I, blondie and briar were sleeping on my tent.

Suddenly, a unexpected visitor came. It was kitty. She is apparently lost and needs a tent to stay. And she somehow
Found her classmates/schoolmates in the woods where she was lost. For me, it was kinda obvious that she just follow us and was too desperate to come in our camping trip so she just made uo stories. Wonder how she got here all alone.

Few minutes, we finally agreed to let her stay. Since it was dark, and she doesn't have any car anything to ride, apple and dexter let her stay for the NIGHT. She was sleeping with cerise and maddie tho. That's why I DoN't have any problem with her staying.

After some fire and eating dinners in plastic wares, we decided to get into each others tent. It was my time to snuggle with dexter haha. I never had much time with him earlier in the car.

But for the whole camp fire, i was resting my head in his shoulders as we were botch covered in a large blanket. We were exchanging foods and marshmallows.

Apple, blondie and briar were in their tents now. I Don't know what are they gonna do.  Same as maddie, kitty and cerise. They were in their tents.

But rosabella and daring decided to stay in the fire for a long time. They were cleaning the place too. I smiled and then head to my tent. There, i saw dexter placing and cleaning the sleeping bags. I smiled at him and then he tapped one of the sleeping bags, gesturing me to come.

"finally!" dexter exclaimed. "now we can have our alone time!" he shouted. I feel kinda embarrassed because that sounds a little bit off and has some dirty meaning.

Suddenly apple shouted, who is in the next tent to us. "guys! Keep your thing to yourself! Geez we don't want to hear your loud moans!"

"and brother!" daring now shouted. "you can do that 'thing' but please keep quiet. You Don't want to ruin other people's thing. " daring chuckles.

I and dexter both laugh until we heard a loud scream. "okay, I'm done. I hate being single!" apple shouted. She just makes us burst out of laughter.

Then the silence come. I get myself in the sleeping bag as dexter get himself on it too. We were face to face and weirdly looking at each other as we smile. We both chuckles then someone shouted again.

"oh God. I can't deal with these." apple said. We burst out of laughter again then kissed. It was one of the best nights ever.

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