[16] Better Than Revenge

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Briar's POV

Phew, that was close. The girls already left... Thank God kitty has still some goodness on her heart. I just hope she kept her promised like she did. I still have doubt due to her mischievous things and her traitor personality. She better kept her promise on not telling her firneds about us or she won't get her hands on my expensive blue coat!

Ashlynn gestured me to get out of the bathroom. I replied with a nod as we both opened the door and get on full warrior mode. If anyone was there, i would just punch them and kicked 'em in their guts! "hello?" we both called out sounding like stupid people. We get out of the bathroom and saw No one..

Our dresses is gone.. Probably kitty went back here and took them. I look around as a small swan walks inside. Ashlynn get out of herself again and hugs the animal she saw. She holds the swan in her chest tightly and was completely focusing on it. Its kinda princess thing. No. Probably animal lover thing. She, apple and rosabella immediately gets distracted by some animals they saw.

I, on the other hand, get distracted by the blue electric smoke coming from the broken window of the jet. Some things not right. The electric smoke looked familiar... Wait... You STUPID STUPID BRIAR! It was faybelle! I looked at swan that ashlynn was hugging. Its feathers suddenly turns into black. It was duchess. Oh my God. We need to get outta here!

"ashlynn! Leave that swan!" i called out to the distracted ashlynn as i run outside the jet. Ashlynn was still inside and hugging it. What is she doing?

"ashlynn! That is duchess!" i screamed again as i feel claws touching me behind. Oh Gosh.. Were both going to die. Suddenly, the electric smoke i saw, changed into faybelle and the swan changed into duchess. Ashlynn was shocked. Atleast she's back in her mind again and not that sistracted person. I looked at my back to saw kitty and her sharp claws.

"surrender or we will kill you both!" duchess saw, pointing a gun in ashlynn's head. "as if we can do anything right now." i said which cause kitty to deepen her claws onto my waist.

"how long will we doing that cat and mouse play?" ashlynn said. Making the girls more angry. Ahh i can't help it. I need to fight this girls. A range of anger runs down in my hands. I can feel heat as i clenches my fist. Suddenly, i looked at it and saw vines and leaves gets into my arms. It grew spikes and whenever i moved my hands, the vines follows. I feel like i can control them. Maybe this is Flora's gift to me when i was little. She said i'll discover it when i needed it. Well, this looks the time when i need it. A plant powers? This is great! I feel like i can control plants with my mind...

I close my eyes and try to think while visioning the image i saw. There was duchess pointing gun on ashlynn as i imagine plants wrapping around it and covering its hole. Another was faybelle, who i imagined were covered in spiky vines. Her hands were tied and couldn't use her powers. Last one is duchess, who i imagined were being bitten and trapped by the venus flytrap. Her hands and feet were trapped in vines and her body were bitten one by one by the carnivorous plant.

I opened my eyes to see them both trapped just like what i imagined. Kittu deepens her claws on my waist and almost ripped the dress i was wearing. "what did you do!?" she managed to put an angry voice but i can feel her being scared about what i do.. I'm going to love this powers.

I grinned and pushes kitty from my back, causing her to scratches my dress. Well it's fine. I can go change later. I moved my hand in the air which is followed by the vines coming from under the sands. I points both of my arms to kitty as the vines attacked her. She teleported and get into ashlynn. Pointing her claws under ashlynn's chin, she threatened me to kill her if i didn't release her friends from those plants. I walk closes to her as she stops.

"come closer or i will ripped ashlynn's skin off!" she said as i saw her feets shaking a little bit. "kitty you little traitor! I thought we have a great talk? I thought you would leave us alone if we gave you some of our fashionable clothes!?" i asked and walks slowly towards her.

"you know who i am." she grinned. "i am kitty cheshire. And i don't keep, promises." she was going to cut ashlynn's throat as i already did my move. A vines surrounded ashlynn's body, making her to be safe. Its kind of a shield... Kitty grunts and teleported in my back. Right before she attacked me, i kicked her OK n the ground as plants come from the ground and wrap around her. In that way, she couldn't teleport. I covered all of those girls entire body for them to be hard to get out. I removed the vines that protect dumb ashlynn as i pull her and get insise the forest.

"come on. We need to get outta here before they get out of those vines." i whispered and hold her in her wrist while we run. "how did you do that!?" she asked. I shakes my head and continued running.

We end up trapped in this island. It was surrounded with water and the on the other side was another island. I can't swim. I don't know how to and nobody teaches me how. But we have no choice but to pass this ocean. I hardened my fist as more vines come out of the sand. Just like i imagined, it was big. I really love this power thing. The only problem is that the vines were still wrapped in my arms. I won't get out.

The large vines i summoned from the ground were now long. Long enough for us to make it a bridge. A voice called us from the back. It wasn't kitty, faybelle nor duchess. We both looked back and saw darling carrying her sword and holding here aching feet. Just like mine. Huh? I didn't notice mine weren't injured anymore. guess its part of the power thing.

I and ashlynn walks to darling who barely can't walk. I put her right arm around my neck as ashlynn do the left one. We support her as she walks. "what are you two doing here?" darling asked.

"its a long story.. But its because of duchess and her friends." ashlynn replied.

"no more talking, we should get out of this island before they catches us!" i said as we pass through the vine bridge i created.

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