The Next Moon Goddess

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Song: For This You Were Born - Unsecret

(Give this chapter a read whilst listening to the song, it brings so many powerful emotions. (:

I could have sworn Lyssa gripped my wrist so tight it hurt completely on purpose.

"What, you're pissed off because you are stuck with me of all people?" I pried her hand away, rubbing  it carefully. "Or the fact that we are quite alike?"

"I will not hesitate to have you slip blindly under someone's knife and get your dented throat dissected. Maybe I will even shove that knife myself, anyone else could have failed to miss but not me, never, me." Lyssa was handling weapons of all sorts as she coaxed me into ways she wished to end my life. I wasn't swayed with her words.

"So you do know who I am." The red head turned her coarse eyes in my direction a smirk lacing her lips.

"Sure. A bitch." She snarled.

"Lyssa, do you-"

"-want to shove a dynamite stick up your ass? ugh -- YES?" She interrupted, her eyes brightening.

"I'd watch you burst into a bloody screwed over mince that's soon to be thrown into the trash, because it's just way too poisonous for anyone to devour." Too much detail, too much.

"Why of all sins do I get anger?" I muttered to myself, which Lyssa caught on. I looked at Hera that was busy talking to Ethan, I assumed they were sharing strategies.

"I'm so dead."

"If you do what I say, you are not." The red head informed bluntly.

"First up, do twenty pushups." Lyssa commanded. I looked at her wearily.
"Are you serious?"

I dropped to the ground, and set myself in a position. I folded my arms, lowering to the ground and forced myself away from it.

"I can't do more." I sweated.

"You haven't even done one!"

"Everyone is staring." I realised, catching laughing faces of others. My face heated with embarrassment of another level.

"And how does that make you feel?" She smiled a little too wickedly.

"Humiliated?" I spat between my hysterical thoughts. Lyssa widened her grin, nodding. "What else?"

"Angry?" I felt it deep within my bones, the seeping liquid blood was steaming, and boiling my skin.

"Good." Wrath responded and then circled me.

"How humiliating me is any good?" I wanted to know. The crowd was watching the remaining contestants with an extra pair of eyes. Keeping their sight on every little movement or breath.

"Are you stupid or are you stupid?" She asked me seriously. A flicker of indifference made it way to her face, it's not that she paled, none of that. I just realised that she knew exactly who I was.

"I am Wrath, I get things done my way -- through hot blinding anger. Only in severe burning rage that you will succeed in this fight. Anger is key, anger is the most overbearing feeling a living thing can experience. Like a ticking bomb that lasts only a few seconds but the impact..." She taunted shuddering. "God the impact." She closed her big violet eyes and grinned, before adding, "So do you think you can do that? Release the pent up fury, Alex?"

A smile cracked through. "Didn't I already tell you we are more alike than you think?"


"LIKE HELL YOU ARE, PATHETIC!" I turned sharply to Hera that was laughing at what Ate (one in her team) said. The two Goddesses of the above were extremely keen on relieving their troubling thoughts onto my shoulders. They unitedly voiced any verbally abusive words or phrases that run through their minds. I assumed they wanted me to give into the sin that stood right next to me. The temptations of unimaginable wrath were on the outer surface of my system - I was struggling to restrain it. It was just a little earlier that I discovered how quickly tempting or even thinking of releasing the wrath within would straight out eliminate me from the competition.  It was stupid to sign us with a sin that was at the same time our enemy. 

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