Monsters of the Olympus

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Song of the Chapter: Monsters by Meg and Dia.

~And the men said that the blood of stars flowed in her veins.~

Everything I've known has been questioned so far. Everything.

My existence. My purpose. My humanity. Even my own name.

No matter what I was told, I began to sense anything as a lie. Even when Aphrodite dwelled on the fact that I will be free of the curse once I retrieve myself a highly title.

The Goddess of Beauty promised that once I become the Moon Goddess, I will be free from the Devil's deal. I wasn't sure whether that was true because the mere thought of it, just did not settle or make sense. But maybe this was how Olympus worked? Or maybe Aphrodite was keen on using me for her own advantage.

My advantage in this was that every other opponent wore masks, including me. Aphrodite handed me a loop-sized piece of jewel that came attached underneath my ear out of everyone's sight. It was meant to cover any trace of my previous existence and cause myself appear as a full on Goddess. The deity of Beauty claimed that not even the Satan himself would be able to identify me.

I looked through the reflection in the mirrors as we passed the entrance to the stadium. Aphrodite gave me a silent smile before urging me to come inside.

"It is only today that we arrange such bizarre event! Upon multiple and multiple requests, I decided to create our own little fun arcade for a new Goddess of the Moon." Gaia was chattering into the golden microphone as the audience listened in quietly.

The girls who I'd be competing with handed me a sharp glare with their multi coloured eyes. A woman with a black mask faced me, her dark blue eyes showing repulsion underneath the plastic.

"And who are you?" Said one with a grey mask.

"Looks like a roadkill." Replied one in the black mask.

"Focus on Gaia's words why don't you?" A voice nagged at the two that stood in front of me. They rolled their eyes and turned away glancing at what their Queen had to say.

"Hera and Ate never show grace towards others. Just ignore them." I nodded still surprised the remark that the unfamiliar to me female showed.

"Silence youngling! Why you ever signed up for your death still surprises me." Ate snarled frowning whilst looking at the two of us with fierce anger. She was dressed in dark grey clothes to match her mask.

"I'd be smarter than to say such comments to a Goddess of-" A female with bright blonde hair stalked forward in a protective manner which caused the other Goddess cackle. Hera stepped over to us with a rather forced grin.

"Tyche." Hera spat at the blonde that joined our defence duo. I watched the two have a stare off contest.

"What you cosmos chickens all yelling about?" I twisted my head to the side. Watching as a young female dressed in satin white playsuit joined our side with a rather displeased glance. Her eyes were a crystal violet colour and she owned a fairly luscious brown hair.

"Athena you're not competing, are you?" Hera seemed even more annoyed at the thought of that.

"You should have seen the list before you decided to participate." The woman flicked her helmet and stood at our side, a sword hanging at her hip, just a reach away. I began to wonder who this woman actually was. I was nowhere near strong in Greek Mythology so I could not make any assumptions just yet. But I have certainty heard of Athena before.

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