Thunderstorms (Michael B. Jordan)

Start from the beginning

He swallows before nodding.

"You want something to eat?"


You hand him your phone and he looks at Ubereats to see what's around to eat. You are looking for something on tv to watch and Tikaani is laying at the foot of your bed.


You take the phone and see he has gone with pizza. You smile as you also order tacos and some more alcohol. You hit order and put the phone to the side as you pull Michael between your legs and hug him.

"You like Criminal Minds?"

"I've never seen it."

You and Tikaani gasps making Michael laugh as you both look at him.

"Well we have to fix that. Netflix!"

You quickly put it on, starting at season one.


You look at Michael who's blushing and looking down. You smile as you hug your friend.

"It's nothing Michael. You're my friend and I don't like when my friends are uncomfortable."

He smiles at you before tiptoeing to kiss your cheek. You blink before grinning.

"Catch you later Adonis."

He smiles as he leaves your house.
Michael comes over again and spends the day with you. It's a rare day off and he's thrilled you agreed to spend time with him. He thought after his freak out during the thunderstorm you would avoid him but instead you checked on him regularly. If you knew thunderstorms were scheduled for where he is, you'd call him to make sure he's okay—even stayed on the phone all night with him at one point.

"Hey Michael."

You smile at your friend and Tikaani runs to the human who has his master's scent on him.

"Hey Samael."

You hug your friend and kiss his forehead. It has become a custom now and every time you see Michael, he receives a forehead kiss.

"You hungry? I made dinner."

"It's only..."

"I got hungry."

Michael laughs but nods as you go to make him a plate. You bring it to him and he sits on the couch, thanking you. You two talk as he eats before you clean up.

Suddenly, there's a roll of thunder and Michael stiffens. You frown. The forecast said no thunderstorms but definitely rain. There's a flash of lightning and then a roar of thunder. Michael whimpers and you gently coax your friend to your room.

You change his clothes before getting him into bed. He lays in your arms, your hand on the small of his back as you gently stroke his face, wiping away a tear.

"Shhhh relax baby. I'm right here."

Michael listens to your soft voice. It soothes him as the storm continues outside.
Michael is in your lap and plays with the necklace you wear.

"You feel better?"

He nods before smiling as you kiss his forehead. You hold him close and Michael nuzzles your jaw making you giggle.



Michael takes a deep breath.

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