I took a hesitant step forward and the creature didn't move at all or make a sound. I couldn't see anymore of who it was except for their red eyes.

As I took another step forward it cocked its head to the side. At least I think it did.

As I took another step forward, it seemed to relax. That's when I realized that it must be Scott. If it had been any other creature, I would be dead by now.

"Scott, its me, Em. Everything's going to be ok. Just please come home." I said, my voice coming off gentle.

I was confused as to why his eyes were red. Maybe werewolves could change their eye color?

He didn't move so I took another step forward so I was only about a cars length away from him.

"Scott, it wasn't Derek who did this to me." I said motioning to the bruise on my cheek.

I jumped back as he laughed when Derek's name left my lips.

I was confused though. The laugh sounded nothing like Scott's.

"Scott.." I began but stopped as the creature slowly rose up until its head came out from the top of the bushes.

"Think again." It growled and I could have sworn that it smiled.

It's body soon followed and I could only watch in horror as it revealed itself to me. It was covered in wet black fur. It looked half man and half wolf. Was he a werewolf too? He looked nothing like Derek and Scott though. No. He looked so much stronger then Derek and Scott combined. This monster was definitely not Scott.

I gasped as I looked back into its fiery eyes. This was the monster from my dreams. But how? That's impossible!

It let out a snarl and I didn't need a second excuse to run. I turned on my heel and ran. I had never run as fast as I did at this moment. My mind was going a million miles a minuet. This was almost exactly like my dream and I knew exactly how my dream had ended every time. I couldn't let that happen in reality.

I turned my head to see it running after me on all fours. It looked pissed and snarled when our eyes met.

I turned back to what was in front of me and screamed as I realized that there was a steep hill going down right in front of me. I tried to stop but it was to late. The world was spinning as I violently rolled down the mud covered hill. I could hear fabric being ripped as my clothes drug along the sharp rocks and got caught on sticks. It seemed like ages before I came to a stop at the bottom of the hill. I laid face up with my back against the mud. I was covered with dirt and mud. The rain began to pour down again, washing the mud off me slightly. My jacket was torn to shreds and my pants had small cuts along my legs. Around the cuts were turning red with blood. The cuts must have gone through my clothes to my skin.

The Other Girl ( Teen Wolf )Where stories live. Discover now