Chapter 34: Last Day of School part 2

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-Tori's POV-

"I'm pregnant," Danielle said as the bus started moving.

"I'm sorry, what?" I questioned. This was the last day of school, and this hoe already got knocked up.

"You heard me," Dani responded.

"Don't snap at me. Who's the baby daddy?" I questioned.

"That's for me to know, and for me to find out," Danielle said.

"Oh whatever," I said. She got up and ran off the bus like it was no one's business as she flew to Tristan's house.

A few minutes later, Patricia pulled up to my house. I got off the bus, checked the mail, and walked my happy ass up to my house. Not only was today the last day of school and Celeste's party, but I was going out with Tate Simons tomorrow. I just hope I don't regret it.

I walked inside and sat the mail on the living room table. I walked into the kitchen, got something to drink then went back to my room. As soon as I was in my room, I got to work.

I put my bathing suit on and slipped some shorts and a nice looking crop top on over it. I put on some converse and went and sat down at my vanity. Pulling out a shit ton of makeup, I made sure to put on waterproof everything. I only wore eye makeup and lipstick. Everything else was expensive, more expensive than what I had on. I did smokey eyes with Merle Norman eyeshadow and eyeliner, only to continue with mascara. I took out my dark red Merle Norman lipstick.

I went and found a beanie of mine and put it on, completing the look. Then came the hard part. I pulled out my binder from my bag and started separating the school work from the notes. At Celeste's every year, we burn all of our school work from that school year, but I always kept my notes. The notes will come in handy for the future.

I put all of the school work I was burning in a string bag. I put the bag on my back and grabbed my wallet and keys. I left a note for my mom, letting her know that I had left and will be back later. If I didn't do that, she would flip her shit.

As I was finishing the note, I heard a honk outside. I looked out of the living room window and saw Tate Simons leaning against a red truck. I smiled, laid the note on the coffee table, and walked outside, locking the door behind me.

"Hey beautiful," Tate said as I walked up.

"I didn't know my knight in shining armor was coming to pick me up for the party," I flirted a bit.

"Well, I felt like I needed to see you more than just at a party," he said.

"Well thank you for the ride," I smiled. He walked me over the passenger side and opened the door for me. He helped me inside his truck and closed the door once I was inside. I buckled up as he went around and got in in the driver's side.

"You know, it's no problem at all. I wanted to come pick you up," Tate said as he pulled out of my driveway.

"You sure? I don't owe you gas money or anything?" I questioned as we made our way to Celeste's house.

"No. Not at all. I did it out of the kindness in my heart," he said.

I smiled and looked out the window at all of the trees and houses rushing by. It felt nice to have someone appreciate you for once. It felt really nice.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at Celeste's. You could heard the music from a mile away. I went to open my door to get out of the truck, but Tate beat me to it. I smiled, thanked him and walked to the front door with Tate. As Celeste opened the door, she gave me the look. She saw I was with Tate and wanted details, but I would have to tell her later. As I walked in, Gas Pedal came on.

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