Chapter 4: A World Alone

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-Danielle's POV-

 I came home to find everyone asleep, especially my poor mom on the couch! I walked into my room and closed the door softly. I took off my clothes one by one and stared at myself in the mirror. What had Coach Hogan seen in me? What has he done by having sex with me? Okay, so it was great, and he's a terrific guy, but I felt like a piece of my life had been taken from me. I felt like my childhood was over before I wanted it to be over! Suddenly, the phone rang.

"What the hell do you want?" I yelled into the phone when I answered.

"Hey beautiful," said a familiar voice. I suddenly realized that it was Coach Hogan. 

"Oh, Coach, um, hi, uh..." I stammered

"I had so much fun with you today. I want us to do that more often," He said in an oh so sexy tone of voice.

"I want to ask you something before we go any further," I spoke up.

"Yes, baby?" He questioned.

"Um, why did you fuck me? I mean I loved it because you are a handsome guy,  but I mean come on, my VERY FIRST DAY!!" I yelled.

"I just saw something special in you; something that made me feel happy; something that made me want to be inside you," he replied.

'Okay, hold up.... Did he really just say that?' I thought to myself. 

"Well I must admit, I'm highly flattered that you think so highly of me, but I'm scared about my future, and yours too. I mean, what we did was dangerous," I responded.

"Dangerous is the new norm," he said before he hung up.

I threw myself on my bed and laughed. I knew I was going crazy, and I was enjoying every minute of it because I was so happy that I could die!

Suddenly the phone rang again. I didn't have a good feeling about it this time. 'Should I or should I not answer the phone?' I thought as it continued to ring.

Finally after about the fourth or fifth ring I picked up the receiver. "Hello?" I said.

"Hey, Danielle?" A voice said. 

"Yes, who is this?" I whispered. 

"It's Tori," the voice replied.

"Oh hey!" I said. How was it that people were getting my number? Was I wearing a sign that had it written down on it? Like please enough already!

"So, I'm still at school waiting on my mom, and I have a question. Did you feel like something was off today?" She asked.

"Girl, you don't know how much," I answered. 

"I mean, like, did you feel something weird in the air?" She asked.

"Not exactly, but when we were there, I noticed someone was in one of the upstairs windows. I was being watched by what seemed to be a man to be exact." I said.

This incident had indeed happened when I looked up in the upstairs windows as I was leaving the school. I noticed someone in an ascot and jaunty cap staring into my soul. It felt like a scene from "The Hand that Rocks The Cradle".

"They were wearing sunglasses too and looked to have gray hair," I recollected.

"Yep that's the one who's staring at me. If they were wearing a red tie, then it's the one," Tori said.

"They were. Do you know where Ms. Brown's advisement is?" I asked.

"Yeah, we both have her remember?" 

"Oh yeah I forgot!" I laughed.

"Hang on, I'll call you back..." She said. 

"Okay, but hurry up," I said as we hung up.

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