Chapter 8: House of Memories

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-Tori's POV-

I stared at the man in front of me. It was Dr. Kurt Jenkins...

"Why are you here?" I questioned backing up a bit.

"To stop you from doing something you will regret. I've been watching you. And you need to leave, now," Jenkins said.

"I'm not leaving, and you can't make me. Why did you crush my phone?" I asked.

"Exactly like I said, to make sure you don't do anything you will regret," Jenkins responded. He vanished. 

I walked back to my house and went back through my window. I closed the window, shut the blinds and curtains, then moved back my bedside table. I looked through my bedside table and found my iPhone that I have on my mom's account. Thankfully, it still works.  I turned it on and immediately messaged Danielle, who I have on Facebook, and Hunter to let them know that I'm using this phone instead of the other. I didn't dare let them know that my other phone had gotten crushed. My dad will be pissed if he finds out. I lay on my bed and plug in the phone. Today has been a long day.




"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Tori!! It's Danielle!! What happened when we were on the phone a few minutes ago??" Danielle said. I quickly added her number into the phone as I speak.

"I can't tell you out loud right now. Can we meet up tomorrow and then I'll tell you?" I questioned.

"Sure, I guess. We dont have anything to do in band tomorrow, right?" She asked.

"Tomorrow morning, the band goes up to the football field and takes our group, section, and individual photos. We have to be there at like 8:30. I guess I can tell you then," I say.

"Alright, well I'll see you tomorrow​. Night Em," Danielle says before hanging up. I put my phone down on the bed, and I get up. I walk into the kitchen to grab a water bottle. I look at the time.

'3:30.. I can't sleep.. And my mom still isn't home,' I think. Right as I head back into my room and then out my light, I hear Ben's truck pull up. 'Great.. They're back,' I think. I put my water bottle on my bedside table and lay down. I set an alarm for seven in the morning. I eventually fall asleep thinking about why I need to leave Lincoln High.

-Danielle's POV-

I woke up underneath a warm blanket and in the grip of two strong, manly arms. The smell of cologne was intoxicatingly fresh in the air, and I realized I was on the couch with Coach Hogan on top of me.... Hold up people!! It was NOT what you think!!! God..

I moved around, trying not to wake him, but he did anyways.

"Good morning, beautiful," he smiled.

  "Morning," I smiled back. I loved it when he called me beautiful.

"Are you feeling okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah, I guess so,"  I said as I looked down at the floor.

"Are you sure?" he asked again.

"I just have some questions that I need answered," I responded.

"Okay. Shoot," he said, getting up.

"First off, what the hell is this curse? I am so sick and tired of no one telling me what the fuck this is, and it's pissing me off," I shot at him as I sit up on the couch.

Suddenly, I noticed a change in him. His face went stone-cold, and his eyes turned black. Not completely, but enough to scare the shit out of me.

"That is not for you to know," came the Voldemort like voice from him. I knew this wasn't him. It couldn't be. He was so sweet, right?

"Yes, it IS for me to know! Now, tell me what it is, or I will find out some other way!!" I yelled at him. A growl and a slap in the face was what I got in return.

I snapped. I went total diva on him and threw him down to the floor. I knew this wasn't my Coach Hogan. Apparently, this curse was worse than I imagined it could be.

"Get... Out... Of... My... House... You shouldn't be here," he screamed as I started choking the shit out of him.

"No, not until you give me back my man!!" I screamed back.

He gripped my throat and tried to choke me, but his grip loosened on me, and soon he suddenly let go of it all together. He slumped to the floor, and I freaked out. I checked his pulse...He was still breathing...

Then his eyes snapped open.

"Hi, baby... What's up?" he said.

I suddenly remembered band pictures were today. I went to the garage and got into the car. He came out soon afterward, acting as if nothing had happened. I was going to get to the bottom of this shit, and fast....
Song of the Day: House of Memories by Panic! At The Disco

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