Chapter 9: Their Memories, They're Gone

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-Tori's POV-

"I'll text you when the pictures and all are over," I told my mom as I got out of the car at the school.

"Alright. Afterwards, you and I are going to go to the store. So, don't be late coming out of the band room," my mom said.

"Alright, love you," I said closing the door.

"Love you too!!" She shouted back. She then drove off. I sighed and walked over to the band room. I saw everyone sitting around and talking amongst themselves, letting me know that Weston wasn't here yet.

I walked over, found Iggy and Celeste, and sat down with them.

"Toriiiiiiiiiiiiiii," Iggy said as I sat down.

"Igz... It's too early for that," I said.

"It's too early to be here," Celeste complained.

"It was too early for band camp as well, but we suffered through it," I said.

"True," Iggy and Celeste said in unison.

"So.. Have y'all heard of a curse that apparently haunts the school?" I questioned. Just as I ask, I get two texts.

Dani: dude... ull never guess what just happened. I'll tell u everything when I get there

Unknown: You shouldn't be asking around, Tori.

I deleted the second text, then I replied to Danielle.

Emma: Alright

"Curse?" Iggy asked. "What kind of drugs have you been doing?"

"Did you have some crazy dream last night about a curse?" Celeste asked.

"No I didn't, and I don't do drugs. I'm dead serious. There's some kind of curse here," I said.

"Whatever you say, T. There's totallyyyyyy a curse here," Iggy said.

"Fine. Don't believe me," I said getting up. I walk over towards the front doors of the band building to find Hunter.

"Hey, don't look now lover boy, but you're lady friend is walking over," I heard Sam say.

"Bug off, Sam," Hunter said. He turned around and wrapped me in a hug. "Hey, baby."

"Hey," I said laying my head on his shoulder.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I guess. What happened to you yesterday after practice?" I asked.

"I was at the DMV getting my permit," he said.

"Oh. I didn't know," I said. Right then, Weston decided to show up. Weston unlocked the front door of the band building, and as soon as he opened the door, we were all blinded by a bright green light. I looked around, and saw that no one else was phased by it. I saw Danielle.

"You saw that too, right?" I mouth to her. She nods.

"Of course I did," she mouthed back. I walked inside the building, and went to the band room.

"Everybody, before you get your uniforms and instruments, please listen up," Weston said gathering us all into the band room. "We are going to be taking our group picture first. After that, each section will go and have their pictures taken. Once your section has your picture taken, you will put down your instruments, and then you will go have your individuals taken. Reminder, even though we are out on the football field, you may not run around and goof off. You will be in your uniforms. You cannot run in uniforms. We don't need them damaged. Plus, we don't need you goofing up for the photographer's sake and for your instrument's sake. That speaking, once your individuals have been taken, you may take off your jackets, and you may walk back here. You will stay in this building until everyone is back. If you do anything else other than what I have told you, I will make you run 2 laps. Kapeesh?"

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