Chapter 23: Secrets

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-Tori's POV-

I rode to school with Miranda and Katie. As soon as we arrived, I split off from them. I went into the cafeteria while they walked off towards the band room. I spotted Celeste in the very corner of the cafeteria. I walked over and sat next to her, immediately dropping my head on to the table.

"You okay? You're never like this," I heard Celeste say.

"I'm fine. I'm going to the counselor's office though. Probably won't be in Government if it's going to go as planned. Just tell McCurdy where I am. He should understand," I said.

As soon as the 8:15 bell rang, I quickly got up and went to Spanish to check in with Mr. Gray; that way, I won't be counted as absent. I arrived to the classroom and sat down in my chair, putting my head down on the desk.

As Gray went through the roll, I got my stuff together to take with me to the counselor's office. Knowing me, I will probably be in there for awhile, maybe all day.

"Alright class, y'all are going to finish what y'all started on Friday. When you're all done, we can watch the telenovela," Mr. Gray said. I got up and walked to him.

"Mr. Gray, can I  go to the counselor's office?" I said.

"Sure, sweetheart. Is there anything I can do to help?" Mr. Gray said hesitating to write the note.

"No, it'll be fine. I'll be fine. I just need to talk to the counselor about some things," I said taking the note. I notice Mr. Gray stop in his tracks, as if he was living some kind of flashback. He quickly shrugged it off and sat down and started working on whatever he started.

I walked out of the classroom and went upstairs to the counselor's office. "May I see Ms. Nelson?" I asked the lady at the front desk.

"Of course. Give me just a minute," the lady said.  She got up and walked off down the hall. I walked over and sat down on one of the chairs and fiddled with my thumbs while waiting.

"Tori, are you ready?" I heard Ms. Nelson say. I looked up and nodded. I got up and followed her back into her office. She walked behind her desk and pulled open the blinds.  As she turned around, she noticed all the tears streaks that were on my face from crying early this morning. "Have you been crying?" She asks. I nod.

"Could you-you close the blinds please? It's too bright in here," I ask.

"Of course," Ms. Nelson said. She turned back around, closed the blinds, then sat down in her chair. "What's been bothering you, Tori?"

I tell Ms. Nelson everything from Mark to how drumline treats me, to Danielle, everything. I left out the part about the curse. Pretty sure, Nelson would call a mental asylum to come whisk me away as they did Kit Walker in season 2 of American Horror Story.

"Tori, you are aware that I can not personally control drum line or any new students, right? I can only tell them to not do it, but do you really think they will listen to me?" Ms. Nelson said. I found it kind of rude the way she said it, but I was not about to point it out.

"You can try. Schools everywhere tell their students that they do not tolerate bullying of any kind. Y'all tell us to come to a teacher or an administrator, and that is exactly what I'm doing," I almost yelled. "Now, if you do not mind, I'd like to return to class before you tell me that I'm not going to get any help for the nonsense that you're telling me," I said getting up and retrieving my stuff so I could leave.

"Fine. It's whatever you want to do," Ms. Nelson said standing up, ready to show me the door.

"You don't have to show me the door. I'm pretty capable of showing myself out," I said walking out. I made sure the door slammed behind me, to indicate that I was through. As I walked out of the counselor's office, I heard the announcements come on.

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