Chapter 22: A Day To Remember Part 2

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-Tori's POV-

We arrived at mall around 12:00pm, right as everyone showed up to do a little shopping. As soon as we walked in, Miranda, Katie, and I decided to hit up the food court before anything else.

When we walked into the food court, we stopped and looked at all of our food options. The only three that looked appealing was Chick-fil-a, Panda Express, and the Pretzel Hut. We decided to split up, and we would share the food from all three places. I went to the Pretzel Hut, Miranda went to Panda, and Katie Chick-fil-a.

As soon as I got my order, I went and sat down at a table in a corner. When I saw Miranda looking for a table, I stood up and waved her over. Katie eventually found us. As we ate the food, I looked up and saw Tate Simons and his group of friends walk into the food court, looking hot as ever.

"Guys, let's go to Hot Topic," I said, finishing my food up and putting the trash in one of the bags.

"Why? We just sat down," Miranda questions me. She turns around in her seat to see what I was staring at.

"Is that Tate?" Katie asks.

"Yes, and his bunch of dicks he calls his friends," I said standing up. "Let's just go. Just bring your food with you if you haven't finished," I said throwing my trash away.

"Alright?" They question as they got up, threw their trash away and stuffed whatever food they had left into their string bags. We walked out of the food court, careful to stay clear of Tate's little gang. As I  was turned a corner to walk down the hall towards Hot Topic, I almost ran into Lucas, Tate's best friend and practically his fuck buddy. I quickly moved around him, hoping he didn't notice me.

As soon as we walked into Hot Topic, Miranda and Katie ran off to the back to look at the T-shirts. I walked over to the counter and started looking at all of the headphones and pins to buy.

"Well, if it isn't the Pretty Little Liars?" I heard someone sneer behind me. I turned around and saw Danielle walking into Hot Topic with Tristan Davis. As soon as I turned around, Tate Simons walked in.

I tried ignoring the fact that Tate was in the store with me. I went over and started looking at the Harry Potter and Supernatural merchandise.

"You know, I think this Hogwarts dress would look amazing on you, as well as this Supernatural dress," someone behind me said. I felt shivers go down my back seeing as the voice was deep and right in my ear.

"I don't really wear dresses," I said turning around. As I turned around, I saw Tate Simons smile at me.

"Why not? You're beautiful," Tate said.

"If that's what you want to believe," I said backing up. "Nice chat," I said turning around and walking out of the store with Miranda and Katie.

We decided to head over to Claire's. As we walked we ran into the unexpected,  Danielle and Tristan. When I saw them,  the headache from my hangover returned. I saw Danielle and Katie start talking.  I don't hear a word that was said due to the ringing in my ears. 

"You're not going to let poor ole Dani beat up your best friend, are you?" A voice in my head said. I think it was Maddie, but I don't know. All I knew was that they were right.

I walked over to Danielle and Katie. I pulled Katie off and pushed her into Miranda. Danielle came forward ready to attack, but I pushed her away.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?! WHAT HAVE I DONE TO CAUSE YOU TO BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF MY FRIENDS?!" I yell at Danielle. As soon as I said that, Danielle grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. 

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