Chapter 6: Green Light

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-Danielle's POV-

I decided to stay after again just for the sake of anything to be away from my loud family. Trust me, they can get annoying. Also, I had band practice so I kinda had to stay after anyway. Either way, I was really happy to get out of the house for a few hours.

I walked down the stairway to the band room, and I noticed how quiet it was with no one running or talking or anything. Like, I was so expecting to hear Moaning Myrtle in the bathrooms nearby. It was creepy.
On my way to the band room, I ran into Mr. Gray, who was on his way to the front office. He smiled really big when he saw me, and I got to say I wasnt surprised. I was wearing a low cut blouse for no apparent reason.

"Hey beautiful," A voice behind me said.

I turned around to see Coach Hogan in a black t-shirt and khaki pants. The veins in his arms were showing in an intricate trail around his biceps, and his pearly whites made me want to faint all over again

"Hey, bae," I whispered.

"Why are you still here?" he asked.

"I've band practice, and I'm kinda running late. Can you please wait on me? Im gonna need a ride home," I asked softly.

"Baby doll, I'm gonna take you on the ride of your life," he purred as he kissed me.

I managed to get to the band room in time. Tori was there, as quiet as a nun. I managed to sit in a seat and pull out my bass guitar. I sat with Tori and this girl named Cassy, who seemed chill enough.

I honestly wasnt paying attention to Mr. Weston because I was lost in my own thoughts. I had so much to think about that I couldn't think about the music or how to play it. All I could think of was Coach Hogan.....

And also the mysterious guy I heard in the hall earlier. What could that have meant? It was like being in an episode of Supernatural. If only I had Dean Winchester now....

"Ms. Stone?" yelled Weston. I jolted out of my thoughts rather noticeably because everyone thought I was having epilepsy.

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"Practice is over."

I looked up and saw everyone packing up and filing out. I was the last to leave. Big shocker.

I walked to the front of the high school and towards the spot where Coach Hogan is usually parked. When I got there, his car was there, but he was not in it. It was that guy that was watching me yesterday.

I slowly backed away and ran towards the band room. I was hoping to catch Emma before she left. Knowing my luck, that wasn't going to happen. I looked up at the school as I was running and saw in one of the windows a flashing green light and the shadow of a man. The shadow looked familiar. Suddenly, I remembered what Tori had told me about the mysterious man she had seen yesterday. I turned to run back towards the road, but as I ran past the school, I noticed the green light kept following me in the adjacent windows. It was getting dark randomly, making the green light shine onto the parking lot. I was so scared, and my heart was beating so fast I could feel it in my throat. I was so busy running that I ran smack into Coach Hogan!
"Hey, Danielle, what's wrong?" He asked.

"I dont know. This green light keeps following me, and someone's watching me in the window. There was also someone in your car that wasn't you," I rambled on.

"What are you talking about?" he asked me.

"Just look in the windows," I said trying not to cry. He looked up at the school and started to panic. He dragged me to his car, making me trip over my own feet.

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