Chapter 29: New Bus Driver?

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-Tori's POV-

I got up Monday morning and dreaded getting out of bed. As I got up and got ready for the school day, my mind started drifting towards the weekend. All I could seem to think about was Tate and how he actually seemed to care about me, despite all the rumors about him going around. Maybe those rumors aren't true?

I picked up my bag and walked to the kitchen. As I walked in, I saw a note on the fridge door.

"Tori, we have left for the week. Take care of my cat. Don't burn the house down. We will see you Sunday night. Love you, Mom"

I rolled my eyes and took the note off the fridge. I laid the note on the kitchen table and opened the fridge. I grabbed a Monster out and got a poptart. I checked my cat's food and water and decided that he would be alright till I got home. I got my keys and walked towards the front door, making sure all the lights in the house were off.
I told my cat bye and walked out the door, locking it behind me.

As I waited for the bus, my mind continued to wander to Tate... again. He's gotten so close to me, just trying to get me to fall for him. I'm not going to let him know just yet that I like him. What if he really is the fuck boy that everyone says he is? I don't want to get hurt like that. Maybe I will tell him after I get to know him better. Maybe...

The bus finally showed up. When I got on, I noticed that it wasn't Linda driving the bus. 'Maybe it's just a sub?' I thought. I sat down in the seat across from Danielle and looked at her confused. She just shrugged her shoulders. We went through the whole route, not even missing a beat.

When we arrived at the middle school, before letting all of the middle schoolers off, the sub got up and turned to face us. "Hello everyone, my name is Patricia. Your old bus driver Linda has dropped the position so I'm am going to be your bus driver from now on. I hope we can all become friends," Patricia smiled at all of us. She sat back down in the driver's seat and let all of the middle schoolers off. I turned and I looked at Danielle.

"What happened to Linda?" I mouthed to her.

"I don't know, but we will find out," She mouthed back.

Danielle's POV

"My dude, are you on the bus?"

Tori and I were in a call as I was waiting for the damn bus once was now only two weeks till school would be out and I could not wait...

"Nope, Linda is taking too long as usual." I complained. Linda thankfully could pick me up on certain days when Tristan had early morning practices or when he had to attend a club meeting, so I could still see Tori in the mornings on certain days.

The bus eventually pulled up, but Linda was not in the drivers seat. A woman with short, blonde hair and glasses was driving?

"Hi, I'm Patricia! You're Danielle Stone, aren't you?" She smiled.

"Um....yea?" I questioned.

"I know this is probably a surprise to you but I'm driving you guys today." She said as I sat down and the conversation ended there.

Tori got on the bus and I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders. What could I say?

"Okay guys," Patricia said as she got up and addressed all of us as a whole at the next stop, "I'm Patricia as you probably are all aware, and if you've noticed Linda isn't on, then that's probably because the last time you saw here was her last day on this route. I do hope we can all be friends."

And with that she sat down. And I was lost as fuck.

"Where is Linda?" I asked Tori.

"I don't know but we are sure as hell gonna find out." Tori said as she put her headphones in.

I put mine and practically screamed out Danielle Bregoli lyrics the rest of the way, much to the annoyance of Shannon Dolores.

"Hi Bitch, Hi Bitch, Hi Bitch, BYE BITCH"

Song of the day: Hey Angel by Harry Styles

Sorry for the short chapter. It will make sense later on

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