Chapter 7: Set Me Free

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-Danielle's POV-

I was up all that night gazing out the various windows wondering what the hell had happened in the last few hours. Add yesterday's events, and you had a perfect disaster zone.

Suddenly, the grandfather clock in the corner of the living room next to the fireplace struck three in the morning, scaring the living shit out of me! I was in a T shirt and gym shorts so naturally I would get free cold chills and goosebumps on the side! As if life wasn't already hard enough!
Coach Hogan came out of his bedroom and walked down the hall.

"Why is a beautiful thing like you up at this hour? Do you blossom by nightfall?" He asked.

"No, love. I'm just really scared and worried. I have no idea what the hell to think anymore. I just moved to a new school, hoping to make new friends and meet new people, and all of a sudden, I have let loose some curse on this school that prohibits me from going home!!! Why?" I started yelling.

The phone rang, scaring us both. (Scariness was in the air as you can tell). It was Tori.

"Tori, what's going on?" I asked impatiently.

"Honestly, I don't even know anymore. Freaky shit has happened in the last 24 hours, and I dont know what to do about it!!" Tori said in a frightening tone of voice.

"Well, I'm here if you need anything." I said.

This god-awful crunching sound came from Tori's phone. I jumped back at it as the call ended.

I tried dialing again. No answer.

I dialed yet again. Still no answer.

Finally, after one last try and still no answer, I decided to stop. Fuck it, I thought, I am so going to bed.

-Tori's POV-

2:30 in the morning, and I was still up. I had been laying on my bed staring up at the dark ceiling for hours on end, and still, I felt nothing. Hunter hadn't answered any of my texts, which worried me, for I didn't know if he was okay or not.

I got up off my bed, moved my bedside table, opened my window, and climbed out. Ben had gone out​ with my mom a few hours ago, and they still weren't back, yet I still chose to leave through my bedroom window. I started thinking.

'Woods or road?' This question kept going through my mind. I needed to find a place where I didn't feel as if I was suffocating. 'I could go to the road, and maybe I'll get hit by a car. Or I could walk through the woods, and maybe I'll get mauled by a bear,' I thought. I chose the road. The road is more even and easier to walk on than the ground in the woods. I walked down my driveway towards the road. I turned left and saw a big tree had fallen over the road. I kept walking and came upon the tree. I climbed over it and continued walking.

'Good luck mom on your way home,' I thought. I was still shaken up by the note I had found on my bed. 'Stay away from Hunter... Why would I want to do that?' I thought. Next thing I know, my phone rings.

"Tori..." A voice said on the other end of the line as I picked up.

"Speaking. Who's this?" I question.

"You know that there's a curse at Lincoln High. Why haven't you learned to leave? You know He doesn't love you," the voice said.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Who is this?" I ask kind of scared.

"You will learn sooner or later. Now listen to me. Maddie Hall has a reputation. It has been said that she made the curse that haunts Lincoln. Why? I don't have a clue, but it involves Dr. Jenkins. Do not mess with her. Leave this town. Go back where you came from. If you don't leave, Maddie will take your life. And by leave, I mean leave Hunter, your friends, this school, and your family. Don't look back. You hear me?" The voice said.

"Hunter loves me," I say.

"Are you sure? Are you sure he isn't part of this curse as well? Are you sure that he isn't with you as a joke?" The voice said. I hung up. I couldn't bare to listen anymore. I called Hunter. I needed to hear his voice.

"Hey, this is Hunter. Leave your message at the beep, and I'll get back to you," Hunter's voice said as his voicemail picked up. I hung up. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my face. I did the next best thing I knew to do. Call Dani.

"Danielle??? It's Tori," I say as soon as the line is picked up.

"Tori? It's 3 in the morning. What's wrong?" Dani asked.

"A lot a creepy shit is happening, and I need someone to talk to," I said.

"Well, I'm here for..." I didn't hear the rest of what Danielle said, for my phone had been ripped out my hands. I turned around and saw a dark figure standing before me, crushing my phone in his hand.

"Hello... Victoria..."
Song of the day: Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson

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