Chapter 14: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor...

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-Danielle's POV-

"Jason, what's the matter?" I asked, frightened. What if something bad had happened to Tori... Or even... To Ima and my sisters?

"Maddie... Attacked... Tori!" he choked out.

"Ach! Mein gott!" I said in the Yiddish tongue like my mother did when something bad happened.

"I managed to revive her.... She's okay now, but you are next," Jason said as he panted from the excessive running.

"Where is she?" I asked, breathing a sigh of relief.

"She's at St. James Catholic Church on Parkway and 5th, my church.... The nuns found her where she fainted on her way home while they were out selling cookies, and they are taking good care of her... Coach Hogan, how nice to see you outside of school!" Jason said.

I saw Coach Hogan's biceps tense as he put his arm around me. "Same here."

"You must take me to her, Jason." I said as I looked back at the house.

"I know where the church is... Its my church. I will take you both there," Coach Hogan responded as he put his t shirt back on. I saw Jason staring at his body. I slapped his arm playfully.

I put my Melanie Martinez t-shirt from last night on and put my mini shorts back on. We both climbed into his truck. Coach Hogan put the key into the ignition.

We were soon driving past the temple, desecrated by Maddie Hall only a few hours earlier. Jason showed me where he said Maddie had thrown Tori into a tree. Soon we arrived at the Catholic church.

I led the way through the church, with Jason and Coach Hogan acting like they were attendants to the Queen of England. They stopped whenever I did, and turned sharply in my direction whenever I did.

I had never been Christian or Catholic or anything like that, but they sure knew how to decorate. The synagogue was pretty, but this place was beautiful. It had intricate glass windows with deep rich Parisian glass laced with blue and red lacquers, and also beautiful statues of people like Jesus, Mary, and the saints.

I knocked on the door that led to the convent. A nun answered the door.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Dear Sister, is my friend Victoria Claxton here?" I asked.

"Why indeed so, do come in... You must be her family?" the nun asked us.

"We are her only family," Jason answered as we walked to the bed where a dozen nuns stood around praying. Tori was fast asleep. She wasn't in a coma but she was sleeping. I laid down upon the bed next to her, and eventually, I blacked out.


Song of the Day: Beggin' on your Knees by Victoria Justice and the Victorious Cast

Teenage Confessions [COMPLETE] (EDITING)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant