Chapter 31: What The Hell Lydia

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Fair warning for this chapter. There are acts of gun violence in this chapter. If you do not wish to read graphics that big, please move on to the next chapter. Thank you,

~Emmalyn and Danielle

-Tori's POV-

"Tori. I'm just trying to protect you," Lydia said.

"Look, I don't give a fuck. He's not as bad as you make him seem," I said defending Tate.

"That's how it all starts. He starts out so sweet and then he becomes an asshole. He accuses you of shit and makes you think that it's all your fault," Lydia said.

"Sounds like my last relationship. You sure you're not talking about Hunter?" I questioned.

"I'm pretty sure I'm talking about Tate fucking Simons," she cussed.

"No need to cuss me out. If I get hurt, I get hurt. I've been hurt enough for a lifetime, why not add more?" I said walking out of the cafeteria.

I walked into the Commons area and sat down next to Tate. He looked like he was trying to finish up homework that he didn't do the night before.

"You good bro," I questioned.

"Yeah. Just classwork," Tate said looking up. He smiled at me.

"You mean homework that you neglected to do?" I questioned laughing a bit.

"Yeah... you could say that," he said. "Ew it's Danielle."

I looked up at saw Danielle and Tristan talking to Lydia. I rolled my eyes and went to leave.

"You don't have to leave, Em," Tate said.

"Lunch is about over. I should probably head back to class," I said standing up.

"Alright, I guess. I'll text you," Tate responded.

"Alright," I said walking upstairs. As soon as I started up the stairs, Danielle walked up to Tate.

As soon as lunch ended, I headed back to the classroom. Danielle walked in and sat down across from me.

"Did you really go to Starbucks?" I questioned.

"Yes. Yes I did," she responded.

"You're so basic," I laughed. "Go to yearbook, ya hoe."

"Fine. Biyeeee," Danielle said getting up and walking out. I finished up my classwork as Mrs. Blayne walked in. We ended up doing completely nothing the rest of class.

I put my headphones in and turned on Spotify. Wake Up by Black Veil Brides started playing. I turned the volume up and went on Snapchat. I sent out streaks and looked through people's stories. Nothing interesting.

Instagram: dani_is_awesome sent a photo

I quickly went and checked what Danielle sent. It was a screenshot of one of Lydia's posts.

dani_is_awesome: girl what we do?

Me: I guess we go. I'll meet you there after school.

I logged off Instagram and pulled out a book. Class was going to take forever.


I walked out of my last class and went towards the library. I saw all of the lights out, except for a singular candle. I walked in, surprisingly the doors were unlocked. I saw Lydia and Danielle about two feet apart from each other.

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