"Yeah our sassy Jade is back!" Leigh exclaimed and engulfed us in a tight hug

"Hey what about me you bitches!" Jesy scolded and immediately joined in

"Let's go get it girls!"

We changed our outfits and sat at our table after the performance, that we absolutely slayed. I feel incredible with the big weight finally off my shoulders, but it could have been better if my baby was sitting next to me, which unfortunately wasn' the case because Jesy insisted on dividing us, saying she had to prevent something inappropriate from happening, which was total bullshit to me because we would never have sex with thousands of people around and several cameras surrounding us to broadcast the award show. 

She had been picking on us ever since she found out we didn't follow her strict 'no-sex rule', which we still had absolutely no idea how, given the fact that I was fully recovered on the day of rehearsal and we had covered up all the evidence with our make-up...but somehow she just knew, which was really weird and even creepy if you asked me, she better not be spying on us... 

Perrie and I exchanged glances and rolled our eyes when Jesy took another huge gulp on her drink, getting drunk already when only one award had been presented, screaming and dancing like a fangirl while Bruno Mars was performing on stage.

Actually, she is the one that needs to behave herself...

And then here comes the first award we got nominated for, which was the 'British Group', and we really want it. It's not only because we think we deserve it, as we had been working our butts off, but also if we won, we would be the first girl group to win this, and we would have broken two curses together with the X Factor.

"And the winner is..."

We all grabbed tightly on each other's hand, tensely waiting for the result, and hopefully a good one...Please Please Please...

"The 1975"

Of course, it's not us

"I am so sick of this!"

Jesy groaned and downed another drink, expressing her disapproval and protest. I was disappointed too because I think we totally deserve it, but at the same time I kinda expected it...we are always the underdogs. It is really difficult to get credit for your hard work when you are in a girl group, the complete opposite of the number of critics we got for what we wore...Why is it so fucking hard to be rewarded for our hard work?  

"So unfair" I mumbled and took a sip of my drink, not only to drink my sorrow away but also the irritation on the inequality

"Why did I spend all night practising our winning speech when we don't even have the chance to say it? Silly me!" Leigh threw her hands in the air, clearly feeling equally defeated as I was

"Hey we still have two noms, the 'British Single' and 'British Video', and even if we end up don't win one tonight, I am sure one day we will so your speech is not going to be wasted"

Perrie heartened us, being the optimistic one like usual, the ray of sunshine we can't live without. She is right, moping around didn't change anything so why don't we just enjoy ourselves and had a good chinwag instead? I flashed her a grateful smile and grabbed Leigh and Jesy's hand to get their attention.

"Perrie is right, not winning doesn't mean we aren't amazing right? We still own that freaking stage tonight!"

"Hell yeah we did!"

Jesy exclaimed, finishing her sentence with a burp that had us all burst out into laughter, and it seems to be what we needed to get our good mood back. 

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