Chieftess & Chief (M'Baku)

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"Eat," Commands Isis and you obey.

The world goes dark.
"She needs to be monitored!"

"The high priest will never allow it!"

T'Challa sighs as the council debates with each other. Okoye enters the throne room and you follow, causing immediate silence.

"My king," you say softly.

T'Challa notices the black arm cuff and raises and eyebrow.

"What is that Chesui?"

"Princess Shuri made me a monitor for my powers."

M'Baku tilts his head and sees you don't make eye contact with anyone. He has never met you and is curious about the woman everyone in the council seems to fear.

"M'Baku, Chief of the Jabari. You are?"

He holds his hand out and you look at him before grabbing his arm, doing the shake with him.

"Chesui, outcast."


"I have been blessed—"

"More like cursed," the river tribe elder mumbles causing you to heat up in shame.

"It doesn't matter Chief M'Baku. I just came to inform King T'Challa of my monitor before I returned to the temple."

You let him go and hold your hands. You are a beautiful woman and he is curious about you.

You bow before leaving, not waiting to be dismissed.
You look at M'Baku in shock.

"Go to the Jabari?"

"You are of no tribe right? I think the Jabari would do you some good."

"Aren't you—"

"I don't believe what the elders say. I see a woman who could use some support."

You bite your bottom lip.

"You should go."

"I agree."

You look at M'Baku.

"I'll come."

He smiles.

"Can we not tell T'Challa? I don't want him..."

"I will say nothing until you allow me."

You thank M'Baku.
You are surprised by how easily the Jabari accept you and your powers. The children love it because you make their snow creations come to life and you make amazing treats. The adults love you because you cast spells that make their furs even warmer and can help with certain tasks. The priests adore you just because of your powers.

But there is a talent you discover that makes you extremely valuable to the tribe: you have learned how to make armour and the furs they wear. You combine your magic with the already vibranium infused materials and create beautiful furs, armours, and clothing. You mix modern with traditional when it comes to your clothes. You love the thigh high boots one of the men created for you. Anything goes with it

You live with M'Baku and you two have begun a friendship that many in the tribe hope becomes more than just a friendship. You two spend evenings together talking or just sitting together, enjoying the fireplace while sipping tea.

Today, you are in M'Baku's throne room, lounging in the chair while reading a book of Jabari fairytales. You're in a grey long sleeve jumpsuit with black socks and a matching black fur. You aren't wearing boots since you're still in the palace/house.

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