Chapter 46: Nico in Divination

Start from the beginning

But something still feels a little off..."


"My dears," Professor Trelawney had began, "Today we are continuing our study of the stars," she paused again, talking in a raspy and dreamy tone, "Right now is the perfect opportunity to study Mars, now now, let us dim the lights and see..."

Nico had completely lost all hope for this class the moment he walked inside.

In fact, the teacher was too busy to even notice the deathly pale newcomer student without a normal school uniform because she kept on rambling about planets.

He reassured himself to feel relieved, because Percy had warned him about the whole prophecy-fiasco, and was actually quite happy he had made it this far into the class.

The curtains were drawn to make the room exceptionally dark. And because Trelawney had left the fire running all day, it literally felt like an oven.

Nico was quite pleased with the darkly lit room, as he began noticing students slowly begin losing interest and falling asleep, dropping like flies when it came to their attention in the classroom.

It was nearly three quarters through the lesson, when Nico sensed a presence which made his skin crawl. The same feeling which had drawn him to Hogwarts in the first place.

'Dam! Why hadn't I thought about this sooner?' Nico chided himself mentally. His fists clenched, trying to rack his brain for the name he had once heard. A wizard spell? Sort of... more of a ritual than their wand-waving magic...

Nico could literally feel the "necromancy" aura in waves, as his eyes scanned the classroom. As he searched each of the student's faces, the shadows slowly grew darker.

'Binding a soul? Yes, that's it! He must've binded a split part of his soul,' Nico was getting closer, practically wincing at the stench of death... 'It almost seems as if it was right next to-'

The Son of Hades froze, the gears clicking together as he slowly turned his head towards the chair beside him.

"It almost seems as if it was right next to... me," Nico softly mumbled, not loud enough for anyone to hear, as he stared at the sleeping figure sitting beside him. The person leaned onto the table, unruly jet-black hair covering his eyes as he shook his head slightly, as if warding off a bad dream.

That figure was the one and only, Harry Potter.


Nico turned sideways, looking over the sleeping Gryffindor student awkwardly.

'Well, shucks. How am I going to kill him now?' Nico cursed quietly, 'Stupid Tom Riddle...'

He leaned closer, his eyes narrowing as he tried to be absolutely sure Tom Riddle's soul was there-

And at the same moment Harry snapped out of his dreams, stumbling out of his chair, with his hand painfully held over the scar on his forehead.

Trelawney stumbled a few steps backwards, clutching a hand over her heart to emphasize her surprise, "My child, you must've had a premonition!"

Nico slouched lower into his seat, trying his best to go unnoticed due to his luck so far in the classroom.

Harry's face reddened, "Err... no, just fell out of my chair."

"But you're hand was over your scar!"

He shook his head, "Can I... " Harry paused, quite visibly thinking up an excuse, "Go to Madam Pomfrey? I don't feel that well..."

Trelawney nodded, her mouth still slightly agape as if prophecizing the death of the poor boy.

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