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When I woke up...

I was freezing.

And I was in water.


Guessing Dad put me in here.

Like I said guessing.

Cause I still can't see.

Are you awake?

I nodded before sneezing.


I felt Dad lift me out of the tub, wrapping me in his arms.

My teeth were chattering and I wasn't drying. Why the Hades am I not drying?!

"Probably left you in there too long. But it shouldn't hurt you too much."

Yeah. Sure. Not like I won't get pneumonia or something.

Wait...can I even get pneumonia?

I pulled my wings closer to my body, feathers poofed trying to warm up.

And I think Dad realized what I was trying to do because I think he warmed his body temperature.

Man I hate not being able to see.

"Hey little star, you want me to put you in your bed? Or-"

"How about you actually hold me this time? You're warm."

"You know you can technically do this right?"

"Do you think I know how?"

Dad sighed. "This is why you should have payed attention during your classes."

"ADHD Dad." I mumbled nuzzling his shirt.

"Yeah yeah. I know. I wish that my blood would have cancelled out that like it did the dyslexia."

And if you're wondering...

That's cause he is completely fluent in every single language, living and dead.

So that cancels out the dyslexia cause I only have that cause of how my brain was wired for Greek.

I moved my arms trying to wrap them around Dad's neck.

But I kinda hit him.

In the face.

I mean I'm guessing. You know, just assume that anything I would need sight to know that I'm guessing.

Cause that will just make my life easier.

"Sorry! I'm-"

"Sh. It's fine Percy." Dad laid me down on my bed before rolling me over and either sitting or laying on my bed. "You can't see. And it's not like it hurts me that much."

He pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I want you to get some sleep. Your temperature is still just a bit higher than I'd like.

I groaned, managing to wrap my arms around him. "Stay?"

He chuckled. "Of course. Besides, I can try to work on your vision."


Percy nodded before burying her face in my shirt, her wings relaxing.

The corners of my mouth pulled into a small smile and I wrapped my wings around her small frame.

Which was still shaking by the way.

Okay...so I need to wait for her to fall asleep.

Cause if I don't and she freaks out...

But if she has another nightmare though...

(Fem) Percy Jackson and the Army of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now