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When I next woke I was laying in a queen sized bed in a plain white room. The only furnishings are the bed and a dresser.

Sitting on the dresser were some clothes. Beside them was a set of armor.

Looking down I noticed I was in pj's. Ha!

I was in my initials.

But I guess I better change then.

I stripped out of the pajamas and looked at the clothes set out for me.

A light gray tank with dark blue jeans. Not what I usually wear but fine.

My legion tattoo is gone, that's odd.

I was changing when I noticed a weight on my back.

Looking over my shoulder I saw pure white wings.

Okay how did I not notice these before?

I managed to get the tank top over my wings and a seam magically appeared for them.


Anyway what's the armor like?

I held up the breastplate in front of me.

It's black. Like black black. Well, I can wear this later.

I really don't feel like wearing armor all day.

A knock sounded at my door.

"Who is it?" I yelled fastening the button of my jeans.

"Me." Chaos answered.

"Come in." I responded stroking the feathers on my wing.

The door opened inward to reveal Chaos.

He stepped into the door and leaned against the frame.

He was wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans. Oh and he has wings too.

Just thought I'd point that out.

"So... Do you want to accept the offer?" He asked.

"Sure. When do I start?" I met his eyes.

"First we have to pick out your team. Come on."

-...-...-...-...-...- 5000 Chaon years later

"Omega! Alpha took my bow!" Angel yelled as she jumped trying to grab it from the older boy's hand.

I observed this over my book. Well, it's technically a mission report but I asked my dad to make them into books.

This way I can read it and not get completely bored with them.

Because surprisingly I like to read.

It's a whole lot easier when you don't have to worry about dyslexia.

"Bianca, it's Percy to you. And Luke give her back her bow."

My second in command grudgingly gave her bow.

"You are no fun, Percy." He pouted, something I've grown to expect over the years.

Smirking I placed a bookmark between the pages.

"Well I could lock you in a room with Beck and Silena."

"What was that?" Beck yelled from the couch. Wait, where's Silena?

"Ah! Get her away!" Two girly screams rang out before Silena came through. Dragging two motionless bodies behind her.

Poor Castor and Michael.

(Fem) Percy Jackson and the Army of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now