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Something really messed up is going to happen. Just a warning.

I took a walk out into the woods.

I could have swore I heard someone following but every time I turned no one was there.

I'm just being paranoid.

"If I go crazy will you still call me Superman? If I'm alive and well will you still be here holding my hand?" I softly sung one of the most popular songs on Chaon.

It originated here on Earth, but Dad decided to play some older songs on Chaon. This one is called Kryptonite by Three Doors down. I think.

The brush rustled once more causing me to whip around.


I have seriously overactive nerves.

I turned back around shaking my head.

I walked deeper into the woods.

What am I going to tell them?

I probably should have thought about that before telling them.

Stopping I stretched out my wings to their full length.

Around six feet each.

I heard the noise again when I was roughly pinned to a tree by two demigods.

A third approached me, a smug smile on his face.


I struggled against my captors but they tied my arms around the tree. And as such I couldn't use my wings to fight back.

"Thanks you are dismissed." He waved a hand and the two demigods left.

Powers are a no no. I don't want to destroy the forest.

Dakota walked until he was standing right in front of me and kicked my legs out from under me, causing me to fall until I was at eye level due to a low branch on the other side.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine.

Okay. I am murdering him later.

This is just wrong.

I struggled trying to get him off of me but I couldn't.

He bit my lower lip and I pressed my lips tighter together.

Seeing as that didn't work he work his hands around to my wings.

What's he-? Schist!

I felt it snap and I gasped out in pain.

He took this opportunity to explore my mouth.

He is so dead later.

I pushed him out of my mouth and I felt him smile wickedly against my lips.

He broke my other wing. By now I was fighting to stay conscious.

The pain is unbearable. And I've held the sky.

He once again explored my mouth with his tongue but I had almost no strength to rebuke him.

Percy? Percy! Where are you?! Luke's voice rang out in my head.

The mind link! Thank Chaos for me not telling Luke where I was going.

Luke! Help! Ahhh! Dakota pressed my wing.

(Fem) Percy Jackson and the Army of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now