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The guard froze.

"Fine." He slapped handcuffs back on my wrists.

I can't tell if he's happy that he didn't get to knock me out or mad that he didn't.

If I don't get imprisoned for life or you know, executed, I'll have to talk to Dad about this kinda treatment.

Like sure they've probably done stuff to deserve being locked up. But do they deserve to be beaten to submission?


Not even the worst criminal receives that kind of treatment on Chaon.

Of course they are usually thrown into the Void.


Don't screw up on Chaon.

That would be a really bad thing to do.

I was led back out onto the main floor and up to the throne room doors.

"What is this?" A guard questioned.

"The criminal seeks her audience with Lord Poseidon."

"Boy." The other guard looked at the herald before opening the door.

The herald hurried into the room. "Tide of the Chaotic Elite, accused of masquerading as a noble and manipulating the king seeks her audience."

How does he even kn- I swear if this was in the daily paper.

"Send her in." My step mother said and I was led in.

Man I feel like a dog on a leash.

Oh wait. That's basically what I am.

"Lord Poseidon, Lady Amphitrite, Lord Triton." I bowed my head.

"Silence. Why did you feel the need to impersonate my sister?"

I sighed. "Can this please be held in private? Omega ordered that anything concerning the Army or its members be held in secret. I am honor bound to fulfill her orders."

Dad nodded, looking almost as bad as he did earlier.

The guards and heralds and all the servants left.


"Omega never pretended to be someone she isn't. You can ask any member of the Elite. And Chaos if you want. I am Percy. Never lied about that." I stared at him.

Then I turned to look at Triton. "And you were the one who brought me down here in the first place. I believe I told you I had no intention of revealing myself. But you convinced me to."

Dad turned to look at Triton. "Is this true?"

"Yes it is. But when she revealed herself to me she easily could have planned for this to happen."

"Yes because I so totally would want to cause anyone to feel like I did when everybody I cared about betrayed me. Only three people didn't. And they were Grover, Thalia, and Nico. The satyr I have an empathy link with. The girl who we each tried to kill each other. And the boy who ran away because I couldn't keep my promise."

A few tears fell down the material of my mask.

"Where were the people I've risked my life for? The one I fell into hell for? Hades, the only gods who really believed me were your brothers! And Hestia. But you know what? Shoutout to her for being the only one who hasn't screwed up my life!"

I felt arms wrap around me.

"Sister?" Dad asked in surprise.

"Shh. Percy, it's okay. Shh." Hestia whispered in my ear. "Just let it out. You know it isn't healthy to keep it locked up."

I sobbed and buried my face in her shoulder tears continuing to fall.

"Shame on you Poseidon! Look at her! Do you think she'd want to cause you any pain?! She never wanted to be part of the Army! If you hadn't believed that idiotic brat of a boy she'd still be happy at camp!" Hestia scolded.

Whoa. I've never heard her raise her voice before.

It's funny though.

The fact she's raising her voice is kinda scaring me, but her aura is comforting me.

It's sorta conflicting.

Well. Not sorta.

There just conflicting.

"Wait. So that really is Percy?" Dad finally asked the obvious.

"No." The sarcasm rolled off of Hestia in waves. "This is a rare species of shapeshifting fruit which just so happens to look and act just like your daughter."

"How do you know this Aunt Hestia?"

"She revealed herself to me, along with another member of the Army."

"I just thought of something. If they're all shapeshifters how do we know they just didn't shift into people they knew had died as heroes?" Amphitrite questioned.

"Easy." I looked up at them, my voice hoarse. "We can't drastically change our human shape. Hair color? Yep. But facial structure? No way. Anything that can be changed without surgery we can do."

Except me. Cause the whole two separate human forms.

"And how do we know that's the truth?"

Why? Why can't they just believe me?

"It's the truth. I swear it...I would swear it on the Styx but that has no binding power over me."


There might be a way I can prove it's me.

I shifted my tail back into legs. "Shove any other member of the Elite underwater and they would drown. They'd have to become a mermaid or merman to maintain a semi human form and be able to breathe."

"If you are Omega though you are Chaos's daughter. He created the universe. We don't know what type of powers that would give you." Amphitrite rationed.

"She is who she says she is. Percy is there anything you could say to prove it's you?"

I shook my head. "Omega knows everything about me. It was part of how we became co-commanders. We had to share our memories with each other. A lot of hers was paperwork. A lot of paperwork."

I looked at Dad. "I don't have anything that can make you trust me. Except my sword and shield. But please trust me. I know I probably hurt you by leaving. But, it's probably nowhere near the amount you hurt me. My flaw is loyalty."

"But I'm willing to forgive you. It'll take time. But I am. The only question is...will you actually stop being all paranoid like your drama queen of a brother and trust me?"

Dad laughed and his form strengthened.

"I believe you."

See? I'm the nice author I said I would be.

Here you guys go.

And happy birthday SophiaGrace1225

Bonus fact: I wrote multiple chapters yesterday

See yah

(Fem) Percy Jackson and the Army of ChaosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang