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I sighed. What did Zoë do now?

Running outside I saw a crowd gathering over by the arena.

Ugh. I just wanted to relax before we fight old Dirt Face and Dear old Gramps.

Who are my sister and nephew.

Great. Now my family tree is even more wacked up.

So anyway. I made my way to the arena where I saw a bleeding Dakota and an angry, no furious, Clarisse.

"She's a hero!" She yelled.

Behind her I could see Silena. With Beck standing beside her.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

Clarisse turned to look at me.

"This little-"

Silena placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Dakota called me a traitor and said I should be killed and that I shouldn't be here and blah blah blah."

I smiled. "I take it she punched him in the face?"

He had a really bad bloody nose.

Clarisse smiled, clearly happy at not getting yelled at.


"Good. He deserves it." I looked at the couple.

Let's go tell Chiron.


Without a word we made our way to the Big House.

"Do I know you?" Clarisse asked tagging along.

"Doubt it. I was recruited five thousand years ago." Probably more about five thousand and one.

"Cool. I'm going to go stuff a newbie in an armor locker." She ran off.

"Have fun." Silena and I yelled after her.

When we reached the Big House we walked right in.

"My dear...I think that would be a wonderful idea." Chiron was talking to Piper.

"What's a wonderful idea?" Beck asked.

Chiron looked at us so fast I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash.

Eyes wide he slowly made his way over and looked at Beck and Silena.

After awhile he looked at me and I nodded.

"Charles? Silena?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yep. And it's still Beckendorf Chiron."

"Told you Omega picked out some good people." I chuckled.

"So what was this idea?" Silena asked.

Piper was staring unbelieving at Silena.

"You're Silena Beauregard." She whispered.

"Yep. You're Piper right? Thanks for taking the cabin back from Drew."

The brunette nodded.

Okay... "What was this idea?" I looked at Chiron.

"She proposed to have a dance to get moral up before the war rages in full force."

Great. A dance. Not like I love those or anything.

"Ooo! That's awesome. Can we can we can we?" Silena jumped up and down and up and down and...you get the idea.

"Yes. It is a good idea and I believe it shall help. Will the Elite participate?"

(Fem) Percy Jackson and the Army of ChaosDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora