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I reappeared in the middle of the ocean, mask on, my legs replaced with a tail and back in my Earth form.

Well. At least Dad thought to do this.

Cause if he didn't this could have been very bad.

And I wasn't exactly in the middle of the ocean.

It was ten minutes east if I swam fast.

So where exactly was I? I was right out infront of my other dad's palace.

So you know the drill. From now on Dad means Poseidon.

"You are Tide correct?" A merman asked.

"Yes? Why?" I tilted my head.

Then my question was answered when he put handcuffs on me.

"What is this for?" I questioned him.

"You are under arrest for masquerading as a noble, manipulation of the king, both of which count under treason to the crown. You have the right to remain silent, the right to a fair and speedy trial, and the right to one audience with the king."

Dam. I forgot Atlantean law worked like this.

Basically you defend yourself in front of the court of nobles and they vote for or against you.

But you can also seek a pardon by petitioning the king.

Anyway... I'm guessing Thalia told Dad that Omega is a shapeshifter.

One more time. Dam.

And I'm not going to try and escape that will just make it worse.

What? I did study Atlantean law for a little bit.

The merman, who I suspected to be a royal guard, led me into the palace and then down into the dungeons.

"I was framed!"

"I don't belong down here!"

"I belong here."

I shook my head. Those first two probably were framed.

That's the issue with law down here. The nobles run it.

So if you do something that makes them mad. Poof. You're in jail.

A cell door swung open and I was uncuffed and roughly pushed in. Then the door slammed shut behind me.

"Don't think to use your powers. These walls prevent their use. Enjoy your stay."

Sighing, I looked at the cell.

The only furniture was seaweed pile for a bed.

That's literally all that's in here.

But what was I expecting? A five star hotel room?

Might as well make myself comfy, if I can't use my-


I'm such an idiot.

My powers don't like being restrained.

The cells here would be designed for somebody with enchantment or something.

Not like on Chaon where they cancel out everything.

Plus even if Dad did up the power on this cell, he'd be expecting Omega's.

But...I still don't know if my powers would work.

Cause the whole daughter of Chaos thing covers a lot of powers.

I really have to ask him what would have happened in the Pit if I had fallen into the, that's not the Void but you know, void.

ADHD stop please.

Let's start small and list what he knows I have.



Ability to gift energy, depending on what Thalia saw and what she told him.

And water manipulation.

So...yeah I'm screwed aren't I?

Well. Guess the only thing to do is to wait.

Or I could just freak people out by seeming crazy.

That's always fun.

"Are you a kitty?" I yelled out.

"What in our lord's name is she going on about?"

"Cause I like kitties. There warm and fluffy and they're so fun to cuddle with."

Of course I made sure to say this in the craziest voice possible.

"But of course kitties love to be hats too!" I giggled. "They'll just sit on your head and go meow."

"Oh gods she's insane." I could hear one person say. "Doesn't this count as cruel and unusual punishment?!" Pretty sure that's the one who said he belongs here.

"Shut up number three, anarchist, deserter, poisoner. All crimes against the council."

Oh so that's why.

"And number four, masquerading as a noble, manipulator of the king, both treason against the crown. Be quiet before I come down there myself."

Do you have to remind them everytime?

"You should get a kitty mister. It would make you happier. And we all know you could be happier."

"Maybe you spend too much time down here. A kitty could solve that! Maybe a calico? Or a Japanese Bobtail?" Don't ask.

Just don't.

"That's it!"

I giggled. And stared at the obviously, kitty needing guard. "Hello!" I half sang. "Are you a furry?"

Also don't ask.

He sighed and pulled out a club. "You should have kept your mouth shut girl."

He opened the door and swam in, closing it behind him.

Stupid magic locks.

"Now hold still. This won't hurt." He raised the club.

As it began its downward arc, I waited. Then I moved to the side.

Quick enough for it to miss my head. Not quick enough for it to miss my tail.

I cried out in pain. I'm ninety percent sure it broke something.

And I'm a hundred percent regretting coming back to Earth.

I swear this is the most I've gotten injured during one assignment.

And I really really hope that the bones in my tail are weaker cause if that hit my head...


But the nice thing is... we're under water.

And it turns out water healing is not something that this cell blocks.

I winced slightly as my bones healed.

"That's not cool dude. Ever hear of not hitting a lady? Especially when said lady is literally part of an army sent to help your planet?"

"Just doing my job." He said hefting the club. "Now do me a favor and let me knock you out."

Not going to oblige. I know. How rude of me right?

The club started down again.

"I wish to have my audience with Lord Poseidon."

Welp guys.

I'm tired and not kidding I typed all but thirty words of this since I woke up about an hour ago so...

Yeah. That was at five something.

And I'm on break.

But anyway merry Christmas if you celebrate it.

And you never know I might be a nice author and give you a Christmas gift or something.

So see yah.

(Fem) Percy Jackson and the Army of Chaosحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن