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I leaned against the wall and sighed.


And now Bianca.

Hades is with her right now. And Luke is with Percy.

Folding a wing around myself I hid my face.

How could I let this happen. Especially to Bianca.

"Hey Chaos? What's wrong?" Castor walked over to me and poked me.

"Not now. I need a little bit to mysel-"

I was interrupted as the son of Dionysus grabbed my arm.

"Chaos stop acting like a child and talk to us! Percy and Bianca are our family. And you're our dad!"

"So?" I honestly don't see his point.

"Do I have to fucking spell it out for you?! We. Care. About. You. And we're worried!"

And do you know what my reply was to that.


"I'm serious Chaos." Castor tapped his foot.

I dropped my wing and stared straight into his purple eyes.

"Castor, do you know what happened to Bianca?"

He shook his head.

Of course not. I didn't tell him.

And Zoë locked herself in her room.

"Castor... Bianca was..." A few tears slipped down my face.

"Oh gods. Chaos I had no idea." His eyes were wide before he crashed into me, arms wrapped around me tightly.

I ran my fingers through his hair, hushing him as he cried gently into my shirt.

"Sh...sleep my child." I mumbled, lulling him to sleep.

At this rate all of the elite will be asleep.

Or at least in their rooms.

I quickly carried him to his room. Laying him in his bed, I tucked him in before ruffling his hair.

"I think I should go talk to the gods..." I mumbled, this time to myself, before warping to Olympus.

"Chaos? What are you doing here?" Zeus questioned.

I sighed. "I'm debating if I should tell Poseidon something regarding Percy or not."

"What about Perseus?" Athena walked in, a roll of blueprints under her arm.

Oh shit Chaos how are you going to explain this?

"Percy was a member of the Army at one point. But...well we don't really know what happened to her. She didn't show up at roll call one day...and no one has seen her since."

Good thing I've had a lot of practice with this huh?

"Athena, leave us.  This is important."

The blonde nodded before flashing away.

"So what is it really?" Zeus stood, before shrinking to match my height.

"Percy...well, I'm guessing that Poseidon doesn't know. She didn't want to tell me. I had to forcibly search her memory just to find out what it was."

"What was it?"

"To be honest, I kinda wish I didn't know. It would have been easier to live believing that she had a happy childhood."

Zeus was silent.

But he did respond.

"Tell him. She's as much his daughter as she is yours."

"I know. But...I don't want to hurt her anymore than she's already been."

"The most my brother would do is smother her. He looks for any chance to watch over her."

Oh. So we are practically the same then.

"I'll go check on Percy first. On a normal day she gets nightmares. Who knows what it's gonna be like after today." I shook my head.

Of course she had to be reminded.

"Okay. But I would tell him. Because if he finds out later... there's going to be a lot of destruction."

"As long as it's less than what Percy would do." I sang before warping away.

I reappeared in the dark bedroom.

Well it is what midnight?

I started to glow lightly and I saw Luke curled protectively around my daughter.

"Dad?" Speaking of her, why is she awake?

I knelt by her bed. "Hey, how you doing?"

"I'm taking that as why am I up. I fell asleep. Had a nightmare. Couldn't fall back asleep."

Well. She's predictable in that aspect at least.

"Why didn't you wake him up?"

"He deserves his sleep Dad."

I chuckled and placed a hand gently on the side of her face. "You deserve yours too."

"How's Bianca?"

"Her father is with her. She's safe."

She closed her eyes and sighed. "That's good."

I smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "You're the same as always Percy."

"I try. But why are you here Dad? Besides probably being overprotective."

"I have every right to be protective of you. Especially after  all of this. And...I want to tell Poseidon."

"Tell him what?"

I raised an eyebrow. "You can't guess?"

"No. Uh uh. No way. Nada." She shook her head.

I figured this was going to be her answer.

"I'm telling him. He deserves to know Percy. What are the odds he would have found out if you would have stayed?"

Percy remained silent.

"That's what I thought. And listen, I'm not doing this to hurt you in any way."

"I know that. I just don't want him to know." She mumbled, before turning to face Luke's chest.

I was shocked. "Why?"

She sighed. "You? You didn't think I was your kid. But he knew I was his. Where was he when I needed him the most?"

I didn't have an answer to that.

"I know there are laws. But still, if you knew I was your child... wouldn't you have checked in?"

"Yeah. I would have. I would have made sure you were safe and happy. But Percy..."


"He assumed you were happy and safe. Your mother was an amazing woman. He knew she would never purposely put you in danger."

"Key word being purposely."

"I'm still telling him."


"Hush child." I'm so getting hell for this later.

I quickly lulled her to sleep.


To go tell Poseidon what happened to Percy.

This is going to be so much fun.

Here you guys go.

Finished this about...oh fifteen minutes ago I think.

Really really really need to work on my procrastination issues.


Please check out my Army of Chaos Shorts book.

Seriously please request stuff for it. Then I might not procrastinate as much.

So see yah

(Fem) Percy Jackson and the Army of ChaosМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя